Glossier’s Digital Magic, the art of seamless brand storytelling

Rasi Pichitsiri
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJul 14, 2024

Beauty and cosmetics have been catching my eye since I was in high school. I always enjoy trying new items and watching videos and reviews related to beauty products to see which ones look perfect on me. Apart from the products themselves, one most important thing that always gets my attention is how beauty companies do branding, and differentiate themselves from the others. Also how they communicate their message to the world!

One brand that has truly impressed me is Glossier. I’ve always admired how certain brands manage to tell a consistent and engaging story across multiple channels. And Glossier always makes a perfect job for this aspect! From their YouTube videos to Instagram posts, every piece of content feels like a chapter in a larger story about embracing natural beauty and self-confidence.

The Glossier Effect

Glossier has this incredible ability for drawing you into their world. It’s like they’ve mastered the art of digital storytelling, making you feel part of their community with every post and video. I still remember the first content from the brand that absolutely attracted me: It is their YouTube video titled “Get Ready With Me: Weekday Mornings feat. Emily Weiss + Glossier” by Emily Weiss, the brand’s founder. The video is a perfect blend of authenticity and relatability, showing Emily’s real morning routine in a way that felt genuinely personal and engaging. It is not just about the products, but the experience and the lifestyle that Glossier promotes.

What Engaged Me?

Firstly, the authenticity of the content caught my attention. Emily was genuinely sharing her routine, without overly polished production. It felt like a friend was giving me a peek into her life, which made it relatable and engaging. The video was simple, with no heavy editing or flashy effects, staying true to Glossier’s brand ethos of simplicity and authenticity.

Telling a Story vs. Pushing a Message

What really pulled me in was the storytelling aspect. Emily wasn’t just pushing a product; she was sharing a part of her day. The narrative was about how she uses Glossier products as part of her routine, subtly integrating the brand into her personal story. This approach made the content feel less like an advertisement and more like a genuine recommendation. It wasn’t about pushing a message at me; it was about inviting me into her world.

More Glossier Digital Content That Resonates

  1. Glossier’s Instagram: Their Instagram story often features Behind the Scenes, User-generated reviews, and Life style contents. These stories are consistent with their brand message and feel very personal and authentic.
  2. Glossier’s TikTok: On TikTok, Glossier shares fun, engaging videos that highlight their products in real-life situations. The content is casual and relatable, often featuring their employees and loyal customers.
  3. The Glossier Blog: Their blog features articles on skincare tips, interviews with inspiring women, and personal stories from the Glossier community. Each post feels like a conversation with a friend, further reinforcing their approachable and genuine brand voice.
  4. YouTube Tutorials and Routines: Besides the morning routine video, Glossier’s YouTube channel is filled with tutorials, product demos, and routines that are all about real people using their products in everyday life. This content is highly relatable and provides practical value to viewers.

Shareable Contents

Most of Glossier’s content, is highly shareable. First, the content is relatable and authentic, which is exactly what people love to share. It’s something you’d want to show a friend because it feels personal and genuine. Second, it provides value by offering skincare tips and insights from someone who is trusted in the beauty community. The video’s format also fits well within the social media landscape, making it easy to share on various platforms like Instagram Stories or X.

Consistency with Glossier’s Brand Story

In terms of fitting into Glossier’s overall brand story, this content is spot on. Glossier has always positioned itself as a brand that celebrates real, everyday beauty. Their tagline, “Skin first. Makeup second,” emphasizes a natural, effortless look, and this video reinforces that message perfectly. The choice to feature the founder in a candid, personal setting aligns with Glossier’s emphasis on authenticity and transparency.

Wrapping Up the Glossier Magic

Crafting a consistent brand story across digital channels is indeed challenging, but when done right, it can deeply resonate with the audience. Glossier’s ability to weave a consistent and engaging brand story across various digital channels is nothing short of magical. Their content isn’t just about selling products; it’s about creating an experience and building a community!

