Yike Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 23, 2020


Go Closer to Yourself

“Use natural fascination talent, make sure you identify it and amplify it, express it and become more of it.” — Sally hogshead

The role of Fascinate Test is to help one learn more about its fascination features and explain how the world sees you. It is composed of many personal psychological characteristics, and further divide multiple dimensions to reflect different personality characteristics, which can effectively measure the characteristics of individual behavior and assist one to make full use of natural fascination talent. There are seven fascination triggers: Power, Passion, Mystique, Prestige, Alarm, Vice and Trust, and different triggers creates different response.

My reaction

When I took the Fascinate Test, I was wondering that can this test tell truth of myself? Although I have already done many different tests including personality test, future career test, etc., I still not know enough about myself. Then test begin, it includes 28 questions which covers psychological characteristics and actual behavior, most of questions do not need to consider, I can choose the answer immediately, but several questions I have not experienced, which need I to build a scene to help me imagine which one I choose if I under this circumstances. At the beginning, I suspect that this simple test is really accurate? But when I got my result, I find I was wrong, it really really reflected my fascinate characteristics.

My archetype

As you can see, my archetype is the Good Citizen! To be honest, I am actually a good citizen. This archetype’s primary trigger is Trust and the second is Alert.

Trust build loyalty, builds connection through consistency and stability and Alert push myself for urgency. This kind of fascination shows I am a loyal and careful worker. I push my team to finish projects on time. I set high expectations and you’re strongly focused on delivering what has been promised. However, shortage is lack of creativity, which includes follow known procedures to eliminate the risk of mistakes and prefer a structured environment.

Is it true?

Actually for me, it is true. I always spend time to schedule and make sure all project gets executed well and finished on time. I take care of my circle of people and would like to offer support to my friends. What’s more, I would like to follow the rules and regulations, not be creative. To be honest, I believe that this fascination archetype of mine due to the education and cultural atmosphere of my family, my grandpa is a doctor, he thinks saving time is saving patients’ lives and my father works as a government officials so that he likes all things in rules. When I reading the analysis of result of my fascinate test, I have an opportunity to learn more about myself. For me, it’s not only reflect my fascination, but also promote me think more about how to use my strengths in work and life and how to better avoid my weaknesses.


How do a marketer like the idea of Fascination

I think Fascinate Test is both easy to operate and effective in responding to personal characteristics. It helps people understand themselves from the perspective of others. In this way, people can better use their advantages and better carry out career planning. As a marketer, I recommend that this software can be promoted in various companies, which helps the company to allocate employee positions during recruitment, and give everyone chances to show their primary and second trigger of fascination.

Pay more attention and apply your top advantages. Then you are far more likely to exceed expectations at every turn.

