Google Pixel Super Bowl Commerical: the Best in 2023?

Jiaqi Han
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readFeb 20, 2023

I guess most of you watched the Super Bowl last week. I don’t know if you noticed the commercials in between while following the game. As a marketing student, I unconsciously paid attention to the commercials in the middle of the game, and I have to say that the commercials nowadays are very entrepreneurial, and I didn’t feel bored while watching them.

The one I enjoyed the most was from Google Pixel, it was so eye-catching. While I watched this ad, I didn’t know what the product was until the end, I was guessing the product with my roommates, and I thought this was photoshop software. Another reason I was concerned about this ad was that in my campaign2 class, my final project was to design an ad for Apple. It was always good to see what your competitors’ work is.

I think the most important message of the commercial is to keep the audience curious as well as interested. There are several ways to meet that goal. First of all, just like this Google Pixel commercial, marketers can keep their product until the very last in order to let the audience guess what kind of product is selling. Another way is to design an engaging story to let the audience curious about what happens in the next scene, and whether will there be a happy ending or not.

There are mainly three reasons for that. First of all, generating curiosity and engagement will attract the target audience’s attention. The average American is exposed to 4,000–10,000 ads per day, in such a competitive environment, there is only so much attention for an audience, therefore, it is important to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, there will be a stronger emotional connection with the target audience. This is how nowadays’ campaigns are different from traditional ones. The traditional campaign is about telling customers how our products are the best, there are serval reasons for that. However, nowadays, brands should build emotional links to customers. Last but not least, generation curiosity and engagement will lead to the sales increase. In 2016, Buzzfeed’s monthly views and audience spent at least doubled after they used a curiosity strategy.

To sum up, the Google Pixel commercial led to my thought which is that brands now should focus on generating curiosity and engagement.

