Guess What, We Are Living In A Digital Marketing World!

Time Flies…

Weiye Du
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readAug 1, 2022


The world is changing all or time, and the methods for marketing is also changing. Now, we are living in a digital marketing world, which is filled of social media platforms, and other technologies.

So, what are the FIVE most important things for client to know before we create a digital marketing?

Social Media

Social media is gasoline, and it can build brand awareness. It is also a good tool as a customer service. We need to use it to engage, connect, persuade, and listen to our customers, etc. For example, customers can comment on our post to express their opinions. It helps brands to better improve service and close the relationship between brands and customers.

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Furthermore, we can use social media to sell product or services directly or indirectly. It is a platform for us to start the business and expand the brand influence. For example, there are lots of websites that sells clothes, jewelry, etc. I also think this is a good platform for entrepreneurship, because it can let more people know about their brand.

What’s more, social media has become a major source of news. According to the research, there are about half of Americans get news on social media at least sometimes. Persoanally speaking, I also get news from social media. I always read articles on the WeChat.

UX — User Experience

UX is applied to website design and the digital experience. It is the first interatcion with customers, which is important for first-time users. Whether or not the company can make a good impression on them depends on how they feel when they see the site for the first time. If the website is not clearly or directly send the information to customers, brands may loose those customers.

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On the other hand, users want to see the good content, instant gratification and be able to follow their intuition, etc. Thus, the company should make their website, or mobile App more adapt to platform size and orientation which is good for customers to read and find the information. It also needs to consider whether the content is relevant and engaging or not, and whether each page have a purpose or not. They are essential characteristics for the company to build their content in the digital marketing.

Marketing Storytelling

A good stroy for a brand will have a different effects. Every brand has a unique story, and these stories are often the most moving. The story is what’s really at stake. Good story can change braun chemistry which makes peolpe have different emotions for the brand. If we don’t have the content, there is nothing to share on social media. We also have nothing to do on the marketing, and no coustomers want to learn about the brand. Thus, we need to create the excellent content, which is conversational, SEO friendly, and can help us get found. The good content engage customers to buy our product or service. It is a way to captures their attention and expand our influence.

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It is a way of digital marketing. It owns channel and media content, permission-based marketing and relatively inexpensive. It is also alternative in a third-party cookie-less future. The company can use email to communicate with their audeince and build brand awareness. For example, they can send emails about customer satisfication. Email marketing is still one of the most cost-effective tools, and it is also easy to track. The company can use this methods to collect first-party data and anlyze those data. Once they get results, they can better improve their products or service.

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SEO — Search Engine Optimization

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SEO marketing is a subset of digital marketing that involves the optimization of websites and web pages for major search engines like Google. SEO refers to a blend of internal and external tactics. There are thousand of people use search engine queries about every second of every day. We use it to find the answer about our questions. The company should create high-end content consistently to provide information and dirve online traffic. The information secure is also improtant. It should establish a solid fundation in social media platforms to dirve the quality and quantity of digital content shares. SEO can makes the company has more opportunities to convert prospects into customers, which is also another methods to expand the influence.



Weiye Du
Marketing in the Age of Digital

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