Guinness Wants You to Stay Home (and Drink) or Come to the Pub

Xuanyu Meng
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 2, 2020

In the time of COVID-19 and quarantine, brands that thrive on people coming together and socializing like Guinness, are asking people to stay at home.

Photo from Pixabay by Hoagy Peterman

St. Patrick’s Day is one of the biggest events in Dublin, Ireland (and around the world), and Guinness is largely involved in this event as an alcoholic beverage brand. Nevertheless, due to COVID-19, organizers made the difficult decision of cancelling St. Patrick’s Day across key cities. Guinness was naturally disappointed in this decision.

Despite missing St. Patrick’s Day this year, however, Guinness is showing the brand’s concern about the current pandemic. On March 13, 2020, Guinness published an advertising spot, “A St. Patrick’s Day Message from Guinness.”

A St. Patrick’s Day Message From Guinness | Guinness Beer

In the video, Guinness tells people (in a thick, Irish accent, that is true to the brand and its roots), “we’re pretty tough when we stick together.” Guinness understands that people want a pint, corned beef, Irish music, and a parade, for St. Patrick’s Day but since these are not possible at the moment given the current conditions, the brand comforts customers: “Don’t worry. We’ll march again.

In these uncertain times, Guinness encourages us to spend time with people we care about, call our friends and family, and raise each other up. “Be good to one another. Celebrate safely. Thank the ones protecting us.” These are all encouraging words that illustrate Guinness’ awareness and sensitivity about the current pandemic. Guinness indeed signals it is “Made of More” by communicating a clear message that can inspire people to band together. By the end of the advertisement, a closing credit reveals Guinness donated $500,000 to give back to the community.

Another way that Guinness responded to the pandemic is by continuing its operations in Ireland. A Gravity Bar is open in Dublin. Guinness worked with the Health Authorities in Ireland to make sure that operating the pub will be safe.

Guinness’ Gravity Bar in Dublin, Ireland

Overall, Guinness is responding to the pandemic by following quarantine protocols and prioritizing the safety of its patrons. Furthermore, Guinness is assuming its social responsibility by giving people reasonable advice. Through the video, one can tell that Guinness is sincere in its advice and wants to show that the brand is in solidarity with the people and communities around the world who are facing the challenges brought about by COVID-19.

Guinness is also signalling the same values throughout the brand’s platforms including social media. On Instagram, Guinness has posted this message: “A time for us all to come together in spirit, even if we’re apart.” Guinness is approaching this with sincerity and understanding of what people need at this time. For this reason, I believe that brands such as Guinness will become more sensitive to social issues in their messaging and marketing in the long-term. I think this pandemic is testing people’s and brands’ moral values, making everyone ask, “What do people really need?” “What values should brands communicate to people?” “What should we value as a human population?” Camaraderie. Solidarity. Humanity.



Xuanyu Meng
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Integrated Marketing student at NYU here! In this blog, I’ll write about marketing ideas, concepts, and issues.