Have you seen what their websites look like?

Vrushti Thaker
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 10, 2022


Close your eyes and tell me what the website of your favorite beverage company looks like!

Do you picture it? Do you see what it looks like and the product page with a shopping cart icon on the top right corner? Or did you see nothing at all? Because that would be totally understandable. I love Coca Cola advertisements but I was today years old when I found out how boring their website looks.

If a beverage company plays their cards right, and promises me content like a supersonic free fall from the moon, I could see myself following their social media page. But isn’t having a website for your brand quintessential?

Absolutely! And that’s why let’s look at someone who does it well!

Monster Energy!

But maybe some of them do it right

Creating a purpose for their website

Experience the brand and not the product

A beverage website can only do so much for a consumer. No consumer would go to their website and order a bottle of drink. So what sort of experience could a company create under such circumstances?

An energy drink brand, such as Monster, markets mostly towards gamers and extreme sport athletes, and claims to unleash the monster in you.

How does Monster Energy do it?

Offer promotions to events and festivals their consumers are passionate about. Cater to their consumers interests instead of talking about their various product offerings. Give the users a way to experience the brand instead of their product

What could an energy drink potentially have on their website that a massive conglomerate and a genius marketer like Coca Cola would not already have?

Content. Content. Content.

Monster creates content. In game content, content on their website about thing their consumers are passionate about. Their tabs are dedicated to the three major interests of the majority of their target audience.

  1. Sports
  2. Music
  3. Games

They have a promotion tab that mentions on going promos and ones that you have missed in the past. Their gaming tab talks about Dreamhack, a gaming event organized by Monster.

Finally, if you visit their product tab, and do not get overwhelmed by the choices they offer, their product page would share links to help you find the nearest place that sells the flavor you chose. They also give you a brief on the contents of the drink.

Does it bring in them money?

Does Monster Energy use their website to immediately convince us to buy their products? No.


It gives the brand a voice and a face, making it easier to relate to the brand and go back to it at a later point in time. Their website is easy to use, can keep a user engaged with their content and has a very unique, and appealing neon green and black aesthetic. They may not use any of the latest features or technology to help with user conversion but I believe their website serves the purpose of providing an enjoyable user experience.

