Healthy soda? I’m in!

Arlene Yeghiayan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 20, 2022

We all know the guilt of finishing a can of soda… “how many calories did I just consume? “How much sugar was in that can?” Been there, done that! The guilt wasn’t worth it anymore, which is why I’m now into HEALTHY soda.

Olipop Website: why it’s interactive, creative and fun

As found on the first page on the Olipop website, Olipop tastes like the soda you grew up sipping, but with the added benefit of microbiome and digestive health support. With plant fiber, prebiotics, botanicals, and a touch of magic, we made soda healthier AND more delicious! Right away, users are able to read about Olipop’s benefits and what the product is all about on their website. On the first page of the website, users come across the “meet the squad” section, where all of Olipop’s flavors are displayed. I find this useful and insightful because when I’m in the market for a new drink, I always want to see which flavors are offered before anything else.

The website is fun and interactive, showing users which flavors and back in stock and displaying a new Olipop flavor, “Banana Cream,” inspired by the minions! The website shows the minions from Despicable Me running and carrying the Banana Cream Olipop can. I can’t lie, that really made me want to go out and buy the Banana Cream Olipop! This reflects the personality of the brand, as it is fun and colorful! Each Olipop bottle is unique and has strong, bright colors. This ties into the brand showing consumers that we can all have fun while being healthy! There are interesting quotes on the website as well, one specifically quoted from Purewow, “OLIPOP is the healthy alternative to soda you’ve been searching for.” I enjoyed reading about what others have to say about the brand and this influences my purchasing decisions.

Website ease

The website is very easy to use, loads quick, and does not have too many pop ups. These are the main three areas I look for when coming across a new website. Although the website does not use AI for customer service, there is a section where consumers can enter their email and stay in contact with a representative.


Overall, I was very impressed with the Olipop website. I quickly came across all the information I was searching for, without feeling overwhelmed. The website is fun and easy to use, while providing important information about the brand. I’ll be sure to purchase an Olipop can from the positive experience I just had!

