Here, a blog, a cosmopolitan, and a marketer!

Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJan 28, 2024

Welcome to My Blog! Finding New Ideas in the New Age of Marketing

Why a Cosmopolitan?

When I was a kid, I liked to describe myself as “cosmopolitan”. Because of my parents’ jobs, I lived passively in three cities until age 15. After that, I chose three new cities, attending middle school, high school, and college in different cities. Even now, I have chosen to go abroad to the United States to pursue a graduate program at New York University. At each stage of my development, I was in a different city with different people.

Pictured: 3 year old me

What’s my personality like?

The word “loneliness” is foreign to me because, from a young age, I knew how to be alone and how to live by myself. Also because of these experiences, I became a person who is not attached to my family, who is insightful, opinionated, and who thinks that one thing must be done. Every time my parents came back from abroad, they would tell me the strange stories they encountered in foreign countries. These things slowly flew from my ears into my dreams.

Back to high school…

During my high school years, which was a time of flooding emotions, I met the movies. I wanted to express myself express my emotions or talk about what I was seeing. Cinema is a great medium for me, it’s like a glass house for me, where people can’t see me, but I can observe and record the world from the inside.

On a larger scale, what I want to do is to make the unseen seen and the unheard heard. I want to make everyone in front of the naked camera have no escape so that people have to look at the problems and think about the solutions together. On a smaller scale, to satisfy my desire to express myself.

Shooting a film…“The Magic of Cinema: Exploring the Power of Films”

How did I get into digital marketing?

I organized a film club and wanted to convey my attitude towards women through films. I created several accounts on various mainstream new media platforms and promoted my fan meetings on them in an integrated way. As a novice marketer, I was plagued by anxiety and unease for many nights from the very beginning of my work, because I was so worried about the possible low popularity and the ineffectiveness of the promotion.

However, after I posted the advertisement on platforms, the expansive inclusion and computation of big data blew me away: it accurately recommended my advertisement to the fans, the users who have searched for this movie recently, and any people who might share the particular woman’s movie.

At the same time, I did community marketing in the same spirit under which the fan meeting was organized (i.e., to attract an audience with the values that films conveyed), and my effort culminated in a WeChat fan group with 300 members.

My film club showed a film for the first time

It was the first time I realized how powerful marketing was. Philip Kotler said something that really struck me: “Marketing is moving from monologues to conversations” and I love conversations. And that’s when I decided to join the Integrated Marketing program at NYU.

Now I’m glad I made that decision.

If I could live more than one life, I would like to experience each life. But I only have this life, and I choose what I want most. My heart has been guiding me, not to get lost on the road of life, and to move forward. The heart lamp is not out, the road ahead is long but bright.

“In the coming weeks, I’m excited to see my ideas turn into real results. This could mean starting interesting conversations, sharing helpful resources, learning new things, and giving you a glimpse into my marketing perspective through my projects and experiences. Writing this first post is a big step, and I’m glad we’re taking it together. Here’s to new beginnings!”

