Here we go again

Emi Chew
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJan 28, 2022

You would think that after living abroad for 5 years, I would have had a hard time readjusting to my old life back under my parents’ roof (under strict lockdown rules too!).


I transgressed back into my homebody ways where I relished in the comfort of being the baby of the family again. No longer was I concerned about having to pay the bills, or cook my meals. Life was easy at home because I no longer had to be the adult in the room.

Frosty (the true baby of the family)

I was fortunate enough to have the privilege of using the lockdown as a means to figure out my next step. However, I was not at all prepared for the situation that would unfold after the first few months of lockdown. To be fair, no one actually expected the pandemic to last this long.

When politicians chose power over the people yet again, cases skyrocketed and our hospitals overflowed. The hope of getting back to our normal lives was destroyed. Reality hit me in the face when I realised that half a year went by and it still wasn’t safe enough to leave my home without endangering my parents, both of whom are cancer survivors.

Needless to say, I spiralled. Like many others, I languished in the thought of the pandemic being prolonged due to poor governance. I couldn’t shake the anxiety that worsened from the constant uncertainty.

Thus, in true Emi fashion, I applied to NYU for a Masters in Integrated Marketing. The idea of leaving home again both terrified and fascinated me, especially considering the fact that I’ve never even been to the USA before! However, I knew that if I wanted to learn about marketing, what better place to do so than New York?

After praying on it, I allowed myself to trust in God’s decision on my next chapter in life. I had already done my part by applying, so all I could do was wait.

To be honest, I wish I was as calm as phrased in the last paragraph because unfortunately, I’m a born and raised worrier. If NYU didn’t accept me, I would have had to come up with an entirely new plan.

Thank God it all worked out.

Finally in New York! (just one semester late)

I’m so excited for this new chapter of my life despite my lack of acclimatization to the New York winter.

From this blog, I think that it just shows how sometimes things really do work out. Thinking about the sleepless nights I had from worrying too much seems so silly to me now. I think that my future blog posts will be filled with the things I learn not just in the classroom but throughout the city too.

Thank you for reading and I’m looking forward to everybody’s introductory posts too!



Emi Chew
Marketing in the Age of Digital

25 year-old Malaysian marketing student in NYC creating somewhat entertaining content✨