Hey Google, read my heart

Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readFeb 25, 2024

Paraphrase from one of my previous professors:

“If you don’t know something, google it.”

Picture From Pinterest

Tracing back to my high school years, I was not that interested in technology. My laptop was only for essays and movies, and the phone was just a tool for communicating with friends and family.

God knows how fast things can change: social media, short videos, VR, AR, and now we are dealing with AI.

As mentioned in the previous blog, I do adore human creation because innovation seems to always bring greater benefits, think about the Industrial Revolution.

“Rain Steam and Speed” by Joseph Mallord William Turner. Picture From Pinterest

Cutting out all the environmental conflicts such as “technology is another way to against nature,” we human beings just like to be GOD — — creating things to serve our own good.

A few days ago, I read a post from Forbes — — “How Google’s search generative experience will change in digital marketing.”

Changes are what digital marketers should always embrace, and this article summarizes several key changes made in the Google search engine, giving a new aspect of digital marketing letting me share with you guys.

Screenshot from Forbes

Hang in there, content creators

I have to say as a former content creator, I do feel tension and stress when I read this part: When AI joins the game of searching, instead of scrolling down pages of search results, SGE provides the instant result in the blink of an eye. The speed is quite pleasing. In the world of impatience, fast speed always implies more possibility of being seen or chosen.

However, side effect comes along with the effectiveness. AI cannot fully comprehend the hidden message behind the keywords. It can only provide the most straightforward answer. Quantity cannot replace quality. The lack of qualified content is accompanied by the rise of high standards for organic content.

Picture From The New York Times

After viewing unsatisfied generative content and paid ads, netizens get tired of the game, and that is the time for the organic content to shine — — just a few pages away.

The rule of the digital world states that content is the ultimate weapon, but how to make our content appear in front of the stage becomes the next problem after we are done battling with AI. (Maybe it is time to offer organic content a little room since users may not have the patience to scroll to the next, and next page.)

Based on personal miserable experience with Midjourney, I believe there are still SO MANY things for AI to learn because human beings are difficult to satisfy — — Sometimes we don’t even know what exactly we want.

Google, google, bestie forever

How many people have talked to Google?

On a lonely night, the moon is way too sleepy to be company, and you have nobody to chat with. Then you open your phone, and here comes your bestie: Google.

(Don’t tell me I’m the only one had done this silly thing).

This brings up the most frequent question born with AI: Can AI replace human beings?

Picture From Pinterest

So far, the answer is negative. Don’t forget people are lazy: when people search for an item, they usually don’t type in complete sentences, but some keywords are separated by “and” / “or”

Now things are about to change: the article suggests that after the debut of voice searching, the search engine will be more like a virtual friend. The searching process will be simulating casual conversations.

This is the reality. AI will slowly transform technology into a real friend rather than a searching tool. After all, people are more willing to have a friend who “knows everything” vs. another tool.

Picture From Pinterest

How much diversity is enough? Infinite

Copy and paste. It is an old trick to create content. However, AI will push the game further. The tendency indicates that diversity of content will affect brands’ ranking on search. In other words, videos/images/blogs/podcasts and every medium existing will be a turning point for a brand to appear at the top of the search page.

In order to digest different segments of customers, it is a smart move for Google to raise the bar.

Despite the issue of sources (yes, and you ChatGPT), diversity surely brings abundant selections and precise results for users, and also more sweet “trouble” for content creators to produce content.

It will be a great booster for marketers to display their imagination in various formats.

Picture From Pinterest


Here is a serious question Google, REAL good content requires visibility, and stop spoiling paid ads. Ads may feed you, but content is what makes you alive.

Keep going AI

Nobody can stop the wheel of evolution. AI is already the future, and marketers have no other choice but to embrace it. Chill down, it is still another medium to create on. At least next time when insomnia attacks, I will have someone or some AI friend to talk with.

Hello Google, find me a lullaby.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Guess what? you find me: a former art student, a life marketer