Hey! Time to Find Out Your Fascination Advantages

Sherry Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 13, 2022

For many decades, those traditional personality tests have been used in multiple areas and situations. They can be easily found online, and I think most of us have somehow done the tests before. Those traditional tests could let you know your strengths. However, I always have one question about it, how do I maximize the value of my strength? To stand out and win from not only peers but also other competitors in the market, people need to know what makes them different.

So, what exactly makes you different and valuable? In other words, what is your ultimate competitive advantage?

Welcome to the Fascinate® system in 4 minutes

The Fascination test is a good way to measure how others see you, at your best. With 10 years of research, the fascination advantages test contains 28 questions designed to help you identify how other people will respect and remember you. Using only 5 minutes to take the test, the Fascinate test will identify your archetype, primary and secondary advantage, and dormant advantage.

By finishing 28 questions in the form of Likert scales, I got my Fascination Advantage Report. Sally Hogshead, the inventor of the test, and her team classify 49 different personality archetypes based on their research.

Each personality Archetype has a “primary” Advantage. Your primary Advantage is what makes you most persuasive and captivating. You also have a “secondary” Advantage. Your secondary Advantage is your second highest mode of communication. It helps to balance out and support your primary Advantage.

primary and secondary advantages

Beyond my expectation, my archetype is the scholar.

How the world sees me

  • You are an admired leader with an impressive track record
  • You set the bar high for yourself, and your team
  • Your constant drive to improve gains your ample recognition
  • You always expect the highest quality (of course!), and you want action to be taken promptly

The primary advantage is the most effective mode of communication. My primary advantage is Prestige. The results said that I can be my most fascinating and influential when I communicate with this advantage. 15% of the participants in this test also have Prestige as their primary. Some leaders such as Elon Musk or Vera Wang know how to use their prestige to influence people through their high expectations of themselves and others, letting people recognize them as an achiever or expert.

Secondary advantage describes how your personality is most likely to add value. My secondary advantage of personality is Alert. 12% of people who took the Fascination Advantage test also use Alert as their secondary Advantage. I think how I can use the traits of alert is that I can earn influence by watching the details to protect my personal or team beliefs.

The intensity of my advantages

From the report I got, it seems that I am a person who is conscientious and highly motivated, always keep eye on minute details, and have little time for slackers. However, I think this isn’t true for me. I am indeed a person who pays attention to details, but I am very lazy. The deadline of projects is my motivation. Scholars tend to be risk-averse. I prefer a steady company improvement rather than a risky new venture. The result couldn’t be so accurate with only 28 questions, but it still kind of works for the team or company.

The Fascinate testing system could help the sales team in the company to figure out their personality advantages, focus on their strengths, and use it to understand their clients and make more sales. The custom analytics of this test can identify what differentiates high-performers, create bonds within teams through new understanding and respect for each other in the teams. After knowing people’s personality advantages, a leader can energize employees to consistently perform at their highest potential and make more profits. By using this correctly, we can even reduce conflict between co-workers.

Different is better than better

Check this Fascinate Test out!



Sherry Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

M.S in Integrated Marketing @ NYU SPS · Digital Marketing · Video Editor · Graphic Designer