How AI Is Changing The Game Of Digital Marketing?

Xiaoting Liu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readApr 10, 2022

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is no longer a strange term for today’s digital marketers who are swimming in such a sea of data. With its ability to collect data, analyze it, apply it, and then learn from it, AI is providing valuable customer insights for companies and transforming digital strategies.

According to recent research by Semrush, 40% of marketing and sales departments prioritize AI technology and machine learning for their success more than any other department.

As it continues to advance, so will marketers’ ability to use it to improve digital marketing strategies.

The Relationship Between AI and Digital Marketing

PHOTO: digitalready. co

AI simply refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect. Thanks to details algorithms, AI systems are now becoming more mature and widely adopted by many successful brands in their marketing strategies.

For example, Amazon uses AI to show only relevant products to shoppers, based on previous searches, views, and purchases. By showing personalized search results, they can increase the likelihood that a shopper makes a purchase or become a repeat customer.

By offering a range of benefits and options, AI is becoming an indispensable part of digital marketing. Let’s see how exactly AI influences digital marketing trends.

How AI Is Transforming Digital Marketing?

As the amount of information on potential consumers grows, AI will become more important due to its ability to make data-driven decisions accurately and quickly. Here are four ways AI is changing digital marketing.

In conclusion, AI’s remarkable ability to analyze and influence customers’ behavior, provide timely customer services, and optimize marketing strategy makes it a valuable tool for digital marketers. As AI becomes more accessible for businesses, it will play an even more important role in digital marketing. Making good use of it will better enable marketers to meet the expectations of customers and grow the brands.

