How AI Technology Creates Flavorful Experience for Audience: Waterloo’s “Water Down Nothing” Campaign

Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readJul 24, 2023

With the help of cutting-edge AI technology, Waterloo Sparkling aimed to take us on an immersive journey through their latest campaign, Water Down Nothing.

Overview of the Campaign and the Platforms They Utilize

The Water Down Nothing campaign is all about showing that Waterloo Sparking is dedicated to craft taste experiences beyond compare. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology, the campaign is a captivating 30-second video where a character’s world metamorphoses with each sip of Waterloo sparkling water. From becoming a skilled race car driver, a soccer player, a chef, to a charismatic rock star, the character’s transformation visualizes the diverse personas that represent each unique flavors of the sparkling water.

Waterloo’s Water Down Nothing Campaign Video

Thanks to the AI-driven effects, the sparkling water’s carbonation comes to life and elevating the taste experience to an unparalleled world. They utilized paid and organic social media, video and display ads, CTV, billboards, and online retail platforms to engage their audience. The presence of the campaign on various digital platforms ensured maximum reach and invite consumers to experience the drink and create a strong emotional connection with the brand.

Brand Objectives

With the campaign, Waterloo aimed to differentiate the brand by showcasing its dedication to craft authentic and bold flavors in each of the products. By emphasizing the “full-flavor artistry”, I think Waterloo is doing a really great job in conveying that every flavor experience of the sparkling water is a work of art that evokes the multisensory experience for the consumers. Kathy Maurella as the Chief Marketing Officer at Waterloo also explained that,

​​“For this evolution of the campaign, we were again inspired by our fans who are unapologetically themselves — enjoying new experiences and seizing the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest.”

Waterloo’s Water Down Nothing Digital Ad

By resonating with consumers who embrace new experiences and fully enjoy life, Waterloo also aimed to establish a strong emotional connection with its target audience. The emotions stirred by the campaign have made the audience feels more than just a customer, but feel like a part of the brand’s vibrant community!

So, what actions did Waterloo want their target audience to take?

Through this campaign, Waterloo showed the audience exciting things! After seeing the campaign video, there are several actions that I think Waterloo wants the audience to take. Firstly, experience the drinks. The main goal of the campaign is for the audience to sip, taste, and experience the wide range of flavors of Waterloo Sparkling. From tropical fruit, summer berry, lemon-lime, to orange vanilla, Waterloo successfully persuades the audience to explore the products through the amazing artistry video!

Speaking about the ad, Waterloo’s campaign wasn’t just about drinking sparkling water. It was also about building a connection with us audience. Through the stunning visuals that relate to the audience’s stories, Waterloo aimed to make us take action and feel like we are a part of their community. By showing mesmerizing visuals and storytelling to create an immersive experience, Waterloo’s objective is to inspire the audience to discover its products and have an emotional connection with the brand.

For me, the visuals not only excite curiosity but also attract the audience to discover their own flavorful journey. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology also visually ignites the senses of the sparkling water’s carbonation. It shows the element of surprise and delight but also elevated the emotional appeal of the campaign. It made us feel like we were part of something innovative and extraordinary that encourages us to immerse ourselves in the experience.

Effectiveness of the Campaign

According to the CMO,

“The latest leg of “Water Down Nothing” is part of a significant marketing investment that is up 46% year-over-year. The brand outperformed the dollar sales growth of the category by 10 times and is pushing “all levers down” as it moves into the summer season.”

This shows that the campaign was effective in enhancing the brand visibility with their AI-powered creative content which led to a remarkable increase in spending. The boost in marketing efforts significantly improves Waterloo’s awareness among consumers. Also besides that, the Water Down Nothing campaign made a significant impact on consumers’ purchase of the product because they are successfully increasing their sales growth through this campaign.

Waterloo’s AI-powered Visual

I think Waterloo has done a really great job in executing its campaign across digital platforms. From dazzling visuals with creative storytelling behind them, they successfully build emotional connections with the audience and gain remarkable sales growth.

It is not just a simple campaign — it is an experience that captures the excitement of the audience!



Aliyya Firmansyah
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Graduate Student at NYU | Flower Designer | Marketing Enthusiast