How Can Chobani Attract Generation Z By Contents Marketing? — More Fun, More Interactive!

Kaiyue Kong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 24, 2022

Have you ever partake in a social media post while surfing on a platform? It is undeniable: sometimes interactive content like this really grabs our attention.

People enjoy unique and stimulating information that takes us away from the mundane and allows us to interact. Such products are far more beneficial for brands than traditional advertising and sales tactics. As a result, this type of material is becoming increasingly prevalent in marketing strategies.

What is interactive content?

Interactive content is any type of material that conveys its message by encouraging user participation. Because of it, the content experience evolves from passive consumption to active engagement. Obviously, interactive content is a new strength of content marketing. As a result, many brands devote their time and budget to making infographics, quizzes, ebooks, etc.

So did Chobani.

Chobani Complete is a food and beverage range aimed toward health-conscious and lactose-intolerant people. The brand promoted the new product line by highlighting its ingredients on social media, including a new Instagram push. Chobani used Instagram Story to build a gamified puzzle that allowed players to solve and learn about the ingredients in its fresh yogurt. The game could help consumers remember the Chobani Complete line, especially Gen Zers, who are more likely to engage in interactive, branded experiences on Instagram.

To be honest, if I saw that interesting Instagram story, I would definitely open it and play the puzzles because gamifying Insta story was a totally innovative method to create social media marketing activity. This is the first key factor of Chobani’s brilliant campaign that intrigued me. In addition, thanks to its gamified Instagram Story, Chobani can engage mobile users, including 82% of Generation Z consumers who have increased time spent on their mobile devices during the Coronavirus pandemic, with a branded experience that will linger longer than a static post or video insert.

As consumer requests for nutritional information grow, Chobani’s marketing initiatives could help it connect with a bigger audience of health-conscious consumers and set itself apart in the increasingly congested yogurt market. For example, it could be clearly seen that the post related to Chobani Complete on Instagram has generated 2,016 likes and more comments than other posts. Furthermore, the clever tactic could maintain products in front of yogurt customers while enhancing the brand image as a health-conscious yogurt brand.

The interactive content will become more creative and trendy instead of old-fashioned.

In my opinion, interactive content must be the pre-occupant marketing strategy currently and even in the future since, according to data analytics, infographics, videos, interactive graphics, etc., which are belonged to interactive content, are the popular types of content produced by marketers worldwide.

Additionally, it cannot be denied that interactive content has several benefits for marketers and brands:

Increase engagement

Passive content allows for the growth of interactive forms, which extend the length of engagement and amount of brand commitment. The consumer is shocked by a new style of absorbing information, which is much lighter and more entertaining when viewing an interactive infographic. This encourages people to read everything, understand the message, and even share it with their friends and family.

Receive more feedback from target audiences.

The presence of passive content does not indicate whether or not the consumer has really digested the information. In other words, brands can only know how many audiences open the material, but they may not know if consumers read the material. On the other hand, interactive content captures data while the user is viewing it. According to Rock’s survey, 60 percent of firms that use interactive material can improve their productivity, whereas just 25% of organizations that use static content can do so. Therefore, marketers can track views, clicks, and interactions with each aspect of the interactive material.

Optimize conversation rates

In fact, interactive content can not only generate more engagements but also lead generation and profits. After all, dynamic material with visual appeal offers a more immersive experience and can arouse consumer desire. Furthermore, this form of content might assist them in their conversion process by retaining their attention.

More interactive, more enjoyable! Generation Zers pursue happiness on mobile phones every day since they are loyal netizens. Reading common and boring material is not their lifestyle, however, the interactive content may satisfy their demands–engaging with the virtual world via an electronic gadget.



Kaiyue Kong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Hi there! I am a new blogger, oh no, I am Kaiyue (Loey) , a 23-year-old from Beijing, China. Who am I? I don’t know either, but welcome you to find real me!