How can your Chatbot accelerate your business’s performance?

Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readApr 22, 2022
Introducing Four Seasons Chat

Many firms are adding chatbots to their websites to provide exceptional customer care. Maybe you’re not sure what a web chatbot is. The short answer is a program incorporated into your website that automatically uses a text interface to engage with visitors.

Chatbots are gaining popularity as a primary communication tool worldwide due to their powerful capabilities. The benefits of using an NLP-powered chatbot on a website aren’t limited to its accessibility. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a profound learning-based concept that allows bots to decipher meaning from the input. In reality, there are several advantages to using chatbots in a corporation. We will see some of them, taking the Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts application as an example.

Conversation on Four Seasons Chatbot

How is Four Seasons using the Chatbot?

Not every hotelier is on board with chatbots. For example, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts debuted Four Seasons Chat around 2017. This digital tool allows visitors to send and receive direct messages with property personnel before, during, and after their stay. It’s been dubbed the “anti-bot.” Guests may ask questions, submit requests, and otherwise communicate with hotels via text messaging, using the Four Seasons App, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, or SMS, similar to chatbots. The platform, unlike chatbots, is powered by humans rather than artificial intelligence.

President of Worldwide Operations Christian Clerc noted, “Human connection may be the single most significant part of the Four Seasons guest experience.” “There aren’t any chatbots in this room. Four Seasons Chat guarantees that visitors may reach out to our staff at any time and for any reason. We continue to improve our service offering by incorporating human-powered digital innovations, facilitating and strengthening personal interactions, and ensuring that guest expectations are met and surpassed daily.”

The message of President Christian Clerc clears out the meaning behind this feature in their applications. According to Four Seasons, Four Seasons Chat can translate more than 100 languages effectively and in real-time, with “best-in-class response speeds… in minutes, if not seconds.” According to the company, more than half of visitors introduced to Four Seasons Chat utilized the service on their first stay, and the majority used it more than six times throughout their stay in a pre-launch trial test at 30 hotels.

Four Seasons Applications

Is this tool helpful for a brand like Four Seasons?

Definitely yes! Hotels and mainly Four Seasons, are all about making the customer happy and helping the customer experience fantastic holidays or accommodation. Something interconnected to that is the customer service which makes the real difference to this experience. Having worked in this field before, I was always thinking about how technology could aid this industry in advancing its service expectations. Chatbots are the ultimate way to provide 24-hour instant service to any request a customer may have, and there is nothing better than that. The faster and the most reliable the service, the better!

Four Seasons Application picture

Let’s see it in more detail…

1. Personalization

Chatbots may look up a user’s previous interactions with a company and answer their questions accordingly. Conversational chatbots may be coupled with CRM, ticketing, payments, and other services to collect relevant data and build a tailored message. Chatbots may provide sound, benefit-driven advice that can benefit enterprises.

2. Increased sales

Commercial experts claim that incorporating chatbots has increased business agreements by 67 percent. Chatbots can inform visitors about new services and goods available on their websites. Businesses that take too long to respond (which most customers despise) lose sales. A chatbot can provide all the necessary data to the customer to drive them into making purchase decisions.

3. Cost-effective

The initial cost of implementing chatbots will be a set amount. This cost, however, is substantially lower than the typical customer service model, which includes personnel training, remuneration, infrastructure costs, and several essential tools. Chatbots on websites are a far better alternative for customer service. Furthermore, its upkeep is inexpensive.

According to a survey, businesses spend about 1.3 trillion dollars annually to service 256 billion consumers, but chatbots can help firms save up to 30% of that cost.

4. Increase interactions

Chatbots can help employees have more engaging conversations with their consumers. They can make mundane tasks enjoyable. Customers, for example, may find the correct information with a few button clicks rather than inputting the entire text. Another method for gathering input from consumers is to ask yes/no or pick option questions. Chatbots have a greater response rate because of this.

Technology is best when it brings people together.”


Natural language processing (NLP) virtual assistants are here to stay as they become more efficient and cost-effective for businesses.

However, the technology has drawbacks, such as misinterpretation and the worsening of unfairness. Like any other kind of artificial intelligence (AI), NLP needs careful governance to guarantee that technology is utilized for good and develop a framework to maximize the human-machine interface.

Today we mostly communicate with virtual assistants, either by speaking to them or typing. Consider the number of individuals who have Amazon’s Alexa-enabled gadgets in their homes and use them to play music and deliver jokes. In 2018, Amazon sold over 100 million Alexa devices, and Alexa cracked over 100 million jokes. After this technological advancement, AI is here to stay for good!



Maria Mathioudaki
Marketing in the Age of Digital

A graduate student at New York University studying Integrated Marketing. Passionate about innovation, strategy, and digital marketing. Welcome to my thoughts!