How did Bodyform act to relieve women’s pain?

Yichen Nan
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 3, 2023

Why our #wombstories need to be heard.

“Get your period around twelve. Deal with some pain. Have some babies. Then more periods. And then around fifty your body is meant to politely retire. But it’s never that simple. The unseen, unspoken, unknown stories of our periods, vulvas, and wombs — our #wombstories — are so much more complex and profound.”

“Wombstories” are just as valid, normal, and real as any others. No one should be forced to conceal their inner feelings. By sharing and understanding each other’s experiences, we can provide support and recognition for one another. Thus, it is important that all real #wombstories are heard and shared.

What is Bodyform?

As one of the UK’s leading feminine protection brands, Bodyform is committed to helping women be their best selves with products designed to give women the confidence. Offering a range of towels; uniquely shaped liners that fit the body’s curves and products that actively care for the intimate area.

Build an emotional connection with customers.

Unlike other feminine product brands, Bodyform is devoted to telling stories to deliver its brand philosophy and evoke consumer empathy. If you open the website of Bodyform, you will find that there is nothing about product selling information on the home page of the website, but videos and stories about the female-specific dilemma. Such as #Wombstories, #periodsomnia, and #painstories are the topics around women’s dilemmas that Bodyform proposed to encourage the public to engage and take care of women’s health.

When it comes to the videos produced by Bodyform, they are always fascinating and engaging. Strong visual impact with the use of the unique style of music, makes people easy to enter the story world created by Bodyform and change their mood with the story progress. When I first watch the video about #wombstories, I was really shocked and cried for it. It is only women can truly understand the various worries brought on by their bodies. Bodyform presents the pain women suffer all the time with a visual method that shows people there is nothing to be shy to talk about the pain of women’s bodies. Instead of fearing, we women should unite as one to know each other, to help each other, and to see each other.

The final goal of marketers is to set an emotional connection with our customers and win their loyalty to our brand. This is what Bodyform has done. As a female marketer, I hope women could have more attention from society, because there is much more inequity, pain, and prejudice suffering by women than people know and think. And Bodyform is such a brand that focuses on and is devoted to solving women’s dilemmas.

