How Does The World See You?

Mariana Pinedo
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 21, 2020
Source: Fabrik Brands

As a professional in the early days of my career, developing my personal brand has become increasingly important to me — it is a way to communicate my key values and identity to clients or future employers. In order to build your personal brand, you should really dig deeper into discovering who you are. I know, that sounds complex and challenging, but you can start as small as listing your strengths and weaknesses. As I move forward in my personal branding journey, I was thrilled to discover the How To Fascinate quiz — a 5 minute long personality quiz that measures how the world sees you; what makes you different? what makes you fascinating?

The quiz took me less than 5 minutes to complete. You rate personal descriptions on a scale of “Not Me” to “Totally Me” — I found that this more casual approach in comparison to other personality tests made me feel more comfortable in answering these questions. Examples of some descriptions include: “Freedom of personal choice is important to me” and “I would rather be reliable than unique.”

The main result of the quiz is your archetype which is built of your primary and secondary advantages. My primary advantage is “Mystique” and my secondary advantage is “Passion”. Together, they form my archetype: “The Subtle Touch”.

Source: How To Fascinate

In addition to a report on your results, you will also have a video explaining your archetype upon completion of the quiz. “The subtle touch fascinates with a combination of rational thinking and warm communication” explains Sally, the creator of this quiz. Reflecting on both my personal and professional life, this sounds true to me. “You know how to influence people with both facts and emotion.” Again, when reflecting on this statement I do resonate with this. In some ways the sentence describes what I do as a marketer. Not only do I believe that my archetype benefits me in my field work, I also think this is a reason I enjoy it (we tend to enjoy things that come naturally, don’t we?).

The report also lists advantages to both your primary and secondary advantages. Some that stood out to me include “You persuade others by selectively culling your words and actions” within Mystique, my primary advantage and “You captivate others with your vibrant and attractive style of communication” within Passion, my secondary advantage. As a marketer, I sure hope both of these statements to be true! Ultimately, these are essentially goals for me in my field of work.

Lastly, the report shares a list of top 5 “specialty adjectives” for your archetype. I was surprised by my top adjective: tactful — “You enjoy gaining an in-depth understanding of a situation or topic before making a choice…..You tend to make decisions based on rational facts, but you can let your emotions play a role, too.” Though I find this to be somewhat true, I do think my emotions get the best of me more often than this description implies. I’m not too sure about this as my top adjective, however I do certainly resonate with my remaining specialty adjectives: Self-Sufficient, Mindful, Profound and Unexpected.

In hindsight, no quiz is going to give you an instant understanding of who you are, but reflecting on the descriptions of my archetype was a step in the right direction. Not only in learning who I am, but more specifically “how I fascinate”. As a marketer, fascination plays a key role in how we stand out. In a world where consumers are exposed to countless advertisements and marketing communications daily, this is definitely something to pay attention to.

