How Poppi POPPED during a Pandemic!

Roseanne Attia
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 14, 2021

As a big fan of the show Shark Tank, I always love to see where small companies that come on the show end up years in the future whether they get a deal or not. A company that stood out to me even back in 2018 was an idea for a healthy soda.

Husband and Wife duo Allison and Stephen Ellsworth came up with the idea after Allison found that drinking apple cider vinegar helped alleviate many of her chronic health issues but she just hated the taste. Allison was on a mission to make drinking ACV a more enjoyable experience and she came up with Mother, the first ACV sparkling beverage.

They secured a deal and got to work on bringing it to market. They spent a lot of time and money on rebranding and preparing for launch in 2020. They were ready to introduce their new line of Prebiotic ACV infused drink renamed — Poppi at Expo West, the Superbowl of natural foods and beverages. They were also set to launch nationwide at Sprouts and Wholefood and on track to becoming Shark Tank's first Billion Dollar Company.

Their big plans were derailed when the Covid-19 pandemic indefinitely postponed their retail distribution and Tradeshow events. They had to pivot and fast otherwise their hard work would feel wasted. They knew they had a product that can benefit people's lives and wanted to share it.

Drink Poppi Social Media Sharing with Influencers and Celebrities

So they moved their focus towards social media promotion, e-commerce, and influencer marketing. Poppi began to push for a strong online presence. They can be seen on Instagram being promoted by lots of Actors, fitness bloggers, mommy bloggers, and celebrities all excited about the colorful brand and its health benefits. They have their Instagram #BubbleswithBenefits, #Sodasequel, and # Popcultured that we see across their social media posts.

In an effort to target Gen-Z and Millenials, the brand works hard to post consistently on TikTok where the reach is far larger and more effective than any other social media. By creating trendy and informative short video content they are able to reach their target consumers and show off their product!

Online you can also see that Poppi’s team made it a point to create an enjoyable and seamless ordering experience. The website is dynamic and captivating with a point of sale visible on all parts of the landing page. The colorful images paired with information regarding all the health benefits work well together to be a short and simple sales pitch. You can order on the website directly where you can choose a pack of your favorite flavor or a multi-pack. Alternatively, Poppi is also available to order from Amazon!

The company recently announced that they will finally begin distributing in the retail stores they had previously had plans to be in last year which is great news. Though I believe that the obstacles they faced forced them to invest in e-commerce and a direct-to-consumer model sooner than anticipated. By refocusing their marketing towards building a strong digital presence and connecting with their audience — Poppi was about to obtain astounding sales goals and even give back to the community during a really difficult year. I think the Poppi has done an incredible job, especially after being faced with so many hurdles leading up to their launch. The founder, Allison, especially can be seen interacting with her audience and building trust and engagement online. I think this is crucial in today's marketplace with consumers and will continue to be vital for any new brand looking to succeed. Well done Poppi!

