How the Marketer Deal with the ‘Google will Ban Third-Party Tracking Cookies ’?

Huiyan Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 28, 2021

Why Google Ban Third-Party?

Gathering user information is essential in the modern age of technology, whereby online platforms are extensively used in marketing. Cookies aid website developers in providing their users with more personalized and convenient web visits. They do so by enabling websites to remember different users, their logins, and likes and dislikes, such as frequently purchased items, and other conveniences that do not require a user to re-enter detailed data. Most cookies are extensively safe, while others are considered invasive and can be used by criminals as spy tools. Most of the unsafe cookies are categorized as third-party, and web- browsing service providers often advise their users against accepting such cookies or ban them from accessing their platforms entirely. Google’s projected banning of third-party cookies will pose a beneficial impact for the corporation, advertisers, and users.

Will Google’s Be Affected?

The initiative by Google to ban third-party cookies is advisable. Most technological enthusiasts view the company’s decision to ban third-party cookies as an upgrade to its user’s online privacy and a significant change in its advertising model. However, the firm’s approach does not mean the company will stop collecting information from users and utilizing the data to promote adverts. Google’s ban on third-party cookies means that it will halt its practices of selling web ads targeted at individual users based on their browsing habits; thus, its Chrome browser will no longer allow cookies that collect data. The impact of the directive will leverage Google’s market credibility regarding user data protection. However, Google will still target users on their mobile devices and send targeted ads based on user behavior on its platforms. The move will generate the corporation considerable revenue, meaning it will not be affected by the change. Banning third-party cookies is recommendable since it shows the firm is committed to securing its platform from unethical conduct.

Will Marketer Be Affected?

On the other hand, the decision by Google will hurt advertising companies that rely on cookies for their functioning, as they will be forced to seek alternatives of targeting their users. Alternatively, these firms could change their ad algorithms and adopt more convenient first-party cookies. With first-party cookies, advertising companies can learn about users’ online activities whenever they visit their websites. The cookies will inform the organizations on how often users visit their websites and give other analytics that can help them build effective marketing strategies. From these benefits, ad companies that depend on Google’s third-party services can reconfigure their adverts to first-party cookies for efficient online marketing initiatives.

Will the User Be Affected?

The ban of third-party cookies is a reprieve for users on multiple facets. First, they will be protected by Google from invasive third-party cookies that could compromise their privacy and data safety. The policy means that users’ browsing profiles will be protected from access by unauthorized persons, who can use the information to commit fraud. Concurrently, the users will benefit from the policy since they will not be spammed by different inappropriate ads while conducting their activities online. A significant portion of advertisement companies that use third-party cookies is synonymous with spamming online users with innumerable adverts that disrupt the convenience of individuals’ online experience. However, the banning of third-party cookies does not mean the conveniences that come with using cookies will be eliminated.

