How The Ordinary’s “Quality Equality” Campaign is Redefining Beauty Standards

Ziyi Ren
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 11, 2024

In the glittering world of skincare, where an expensive price tag often masquerades as the hallmark of superior quality. Is it possible that we’ve been misled into equating higher prices with better skincare?

The Ordinary’s “Quality Equality” campaign is a bold initiative that challenges the entrenched belief that price is synonymous with quality, urging us to rethink what actual beauty standards are.

Everyone Deserves Access to Quality at The Ordinary

In the summer of 2023, The Ordinary, a trailblazer in the beauty industry founded by Brandon Truaxe, initiated a revolutionary campaign, “Quality Equality.” This movement was not only a marketing strategy but also a clarion call to democratize beauty by providing high-quality, science-backed ingredients at affordable prices ranging from $10 to $22, a stark contrast to the typical high-end skincare products.

Product Transparency

To break away from the industry’s opaqueness, The Ordinary has illuminated the path toward product transparency, presenting its ingredients with unambiguous naming and straightforward packaging. It extends beyond mere aesthetics, fostering a culture of honesty and integrity. By revealing what exactly is in each bottle, The Ordinary challenges the industry to question: should beauty standards not be about the authenticity and effectiveness of products rather than their prestige or price tag?

The Ordinary’s Post on Instagram

Out-Of-Home Advertising

The Ordinary’s commitment to reshaping beauty norms extends into the bustling streets of New York City, with a strategic Out-Of-Home advertising approach that captures attention and provokes thought. The digital takeovers of subway trains and stations, accompanied by striking signage, are more than just ads. They are invitations to join a movement that values real results over brand reputation. Thus, this innovative approach not only increases brand visibility but also stimulates a dialogue on what true quality in skincare really means.

The Ordinary, the most popular skincare brand on TikTok

Social Media Promotion

In today’s digital age, social media is the battleground where brands are made or broken. The Ordinary stands out, with a commanding presence on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, boasting millions of followers. It’s not only just about numbers, but also it’s about influence. Through engaging content and genuine interaction, The Ordinary has fostered a community that champions functional, effective skincare. This digital prowess underscores a pivotal shift that excellence in skincare is not a privilege of the few but a right for all.

Evaluating the success of The Ordinary’s “Quality Equality” campaign, there are several aspects. The campaign’s extensive reach, both physically in New York City and on digital platforms, indicates a strong brand awareness push. Also, the focus on quality ingredients at accessible price points addresses consumer demand for origins and safety, likely enhancing customer loyalty and attracting new users. Moreover, the strategic use of digital platforms for viral marketing has effectively engaged a broad audience, contributing to the brand’s overall visibility and appeal.

Overall, The Ordinary’s “Quality Equality” campaign transcends marketing activity and is a manifesto for change in the beauty industry. By advocating for transparency, challenging conventional price-quality correlations, and leveraging the power of social media, The Ordinary is not just selling products but also fighting for a new standard of beauty. As we move forward, let us embrace this new paradigm, where the value of skincare is measured not by its price but by its truth and effectiveness.



Ziyi Ren
Marketing in the Age of Digital

*Fashion & Marketing* Master's Degree: Integrated Marketing in NYU & Bachelor's Degree: Fashion Merchandising in UD