How The World Sees Me…

According to the Fascinate Test

Ananya Chadha
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readOct 2, 2022


How many times have you left your Facebook page to do a BuzzFeed quiz? What kind of drink are you? What TV show character are you? What type of food are you? No matter the question we have all been drawn into the fascination of taking a quiz multiple times just for a computer to tell us what our personality is like. Whilst the BuzzFeed quizzes are fun, the most famous personality quiz is the Myers-Briggs 16 personalities quiz- you may have heard this when one describes themselves as ESTP or INTJ. However, all these quizzes merely tell us how we perceive the world, the Fascinate quiz on the other hand depicts how the world perceives us.

Initially, I thought the Fascinate quiz would be longer with more reflective questions. However, I felt that the quiz went by fast as there were only 28 close-ended questions. These questions were pretty simple and easy to answer.

So how does the world perceive me? What is my archetype?

My archetype is “The Orchestrator” I’m known to be attentive, dedicated, and efficient. The world sees me as one who understands people and commands attention to inspire others to reach their goals and their optimal results. My highest and best value of being the orchestrator is that my attitude switches between being optimistic and pragmatic, which keeps people on track and inspires others. I find these traits to be true about myself as I do believe I am attentive, dedicated, and efficient. I have been told this about myself as well, so I guess it is true that the world sees me as the orchestrator.

Primary and secondary triggers:

My primary trigger is passion- I create strong and immediate emotional connections, I communicate expressively with colourful language and I inspire people to become involved advocates. The three adjectives that describe me are expressive, intuitive, and engaging. I believe that I do create warm emotional connections with others easily and I am able to express my feelings in a colourful way and understand others easily. However, I don’t think that I inspire people to become involved advocates. I don’t see myself as one who has that strong of an effect on others to influence them- I believe in the notion of “you do you and I do me” where one should do what’s best for them and not get swayed by others.

My secondary trigger is alert- I am aware of all aspects of a situation, I exhibit strong will and determination, I expect high-quality results, and I’m able to create swift action. The three adjectives to describe me in this category are proactive, organised, and detailed. I believe these results are accurate as I do see myself as determined no matter how tough the task is. I am also organised- I like to have everything in order and planned as I find it easier to move on to the next step. Overall, I think it is accurate how the world sees me for my primary and secondary triggers.

My dormant advantage was mystique- it is how I am least likely to impress others. Mystique personality persuades others by asking provoked questions, whereas I persuade others by being open and straightforward.

Personal brand:

Being the orchestrator will be useful in building my personal brand and at work as being attentive will allow me to pay attention to detail and examine all aspects of a situation. Dedication and efficiency ensures that deadlines will be met and the work will be done in a timely manner. Being proactive will prepare me to handle any situations in the future and take on a leadership position when needed, this shows dedication and agility- both of which are key qualities to have when building a brand or starting up in the workplace.

Overall, personality tests merely help us discover ourselves and reveal qualities that we may not have known we had. I know I definitely learned some new qualities which I thought I didn’t have- and now I can apply these to my personal brand- the first step needed when starting out at work. How will you know what jobs you will excel at if you don’t know what skills you have? Take the Fascinate test to find out!



Ananya Chadha
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU grad student // Integrated Marketing // Digital Marketing // loves traveling, food & culture