How the World sees You — The Fascinate Test

Peichen Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

I always have a passion for taking short tests that reflect some facts of myself. Some personality tests are useful while others are just for fun. The Fascinate Test is the one I took recently, I am really interested in discovering how the world sees me. After answering the 28 questions, I got my report.

My Archetype

The Avant-Garde is defined as my archetype. The report tells me that my primary advantage is Prestige. It’s very interesting that I have never heard anyone use Prestige to describe me. In addition, my secondary advantage is Innovation. I am surprised by this result, which further makes me want to explore the facts behind my archetype. Prestige person focuses on adding value through better execution, with high expectations of self and others. Innovation person embraces opportunities for change and exploration, with creative and visionary adjectives.

It is True!

When I first see the words “prestige” and “innovation”, I feel it is not true for me. However, after reading the whole report, I have to say it is true. I do have a very high expectation of myself and others, and I care very much about details. Applying those facts of mine to the test, I have the Prestige as my primary advantage. Also, I normally don’t think I am a visionary person, but sometimes I do have very creative ideas. At those moments, I have an innovation advantage. I just didn’t realize that, and maybe it is because I become creative at some particular moment, innovation is my secondary advantage. For me, the result of this report is accurate.

The idea of Fascination

I think the idea of Fascination is great. First of all, people in a wide range of age are interested in taking those tests, the Fascination test has a large group of the target audience. After that, the test reflects the personality, the primary and secondary advantages of the participants are defined based on some facts of them. That makes the participants feel it is true for themselves. Helping the participants realize how the world sees them gives the Fascination credibility, and this can earn advocacy. It is a win-win situation when people take advice from the report and get a boost in their work or career.



Peichen Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Grad student majoring in Integrated Marketing, Digital Marketing, Analytics