How To Be Heard When You’re Shouting Into The (Zoom) Void

Jonathan Perez
Marketing in the Age of Digital
1 min readAug 9, 2020

So, here we are — in August and still in the middle of a national crisis. With businesses getting back on their feet and looking for ways to re-engage with their consumers, it might be important to take a step back and evaluate your choices. This lengthy time indoors has given people time to think and reaffirm the values that they expect from their favorite businesses, which can also mean that what you put out may not be as relevant to their interests. Above, I’ve shown some ways that you can model your current digital strategy into. Hopefully, with this advice, you’ll be a better marketer, and overall, a better person.

Why? Marketing’s about the customer. It’s always been about the customer. The sooner business owners understand that, the easier this process should be for them.

