How To: Build Your Personal Brand With Any Personality Test

Roxanne Jiang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 14, 2022

How do others see you? What is your competitive advantage? These questions are best communicated through clear and distinct personal branding. In a time of information blast and sensory overload, it’s not easy to stand out in a crowd. To effectively communicate your skillset, and make a lasting impression, we all need to create a marketing campaign for ourselves. And the best strategy for this plan is to base it on a personality test.

Once in a while, a new personality rises in popularity and becomes the center of everyone’s conversation. But whether it’s The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Career Personality Profiler, they all have things in common. Here I’m using the example of the first marketing-based communication assessment — The Fascinate Test.

What does the test say about me?

According to the Fascinate Test, I’m a Catalyst, someone who’s social, energizing, and out-of-the-box. As the name suggests, I love to make a vibrant first impression and captivate an audience with my enthusiasm and creative vision. My untraditional thinking leads me to inspire change and start action. This analysis is surprisingly accurate, especially when I surveyed a few friends about their opinions of me.

(Image Credit: The Fascinate Test)

My primary advantage is passion. Said to be able to make immediate emotional connections, I do find myself finding common grounds and having fascinating conversations with almost anyone I meet. My secondary advantage, on the other hand, is innovation. Described as an entrepreneurial visionary with cutting-edge thinking, I’m able to solve problems with fresh solutions and lead the team to the next best thing.

How do I use it for my personal branding?

First, use the archetype. The highly indicative name sets the foundation for the main character of the show. Catalyst, for example, is a substance that speeds up chemical reactions. Facilitating change, catalyst gives me the image of a triumphant leader breaking a new path with the team and ignite their passion for new creations. Then, work on the descriptives. The combination of passion and innovation is a marriage between creativity and analytical thinking. The unique combination of my curious, explorative nature and fact-driven mindset, gives me a distinct edge.

(Catalyst Leader)

Data-driven Storyteller is how I describe myself on LinkedIn. Consistent with what the test tells me, I’m someone who carries creativity and passion for problem-solving. Verbalize and visualize such attributes in the workplace and with others around you, you successfully broadcast and re-affirm your personal brand. Moreover, it helps employers and yourself to identify the most suitable place in any new and existing environment.

So, what’s your personal brand? Share your story and find your unique voice.



Roxanne Jiang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Data-driven storyteller. Aspire to influence the world with culturally diverse Marketing.