How To Fascinate In 9 Seconds?

Xinran Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 21, 2021

Humans are social animals. As a social animal, building connection to others is a significant need for human beings. Every individual who lives in the society desires to share their personalities, emotions and ideas to others. However, we are in a competitive and distracted world that brings great challenges for people who want to fascinate and build connection with others. In a digital world with massive information, there might be multimillion competitors who want to capture attention of others. The mass of information also leads to distractions in online searching by shortening people’s attention span.

In the TED speech of Sally Hogshead, “How to Fascinate”, she mentions that “the addictive nature of web browsing can leave you with an attention span of 9 seconds”. The decision-making process in the digital world is no longer time-consuming. The time base of decision-making process transfer from a period to a point of time. Individuals generally make decisions for their interests to know more about others or purchase behaviors at one moment, influenced by triggers. Sally Hogshead talked about seven triggers in her speech and provides a Fascinate Test to help people understand more about their triggers to fascinate others and their natural fascination talents.

In my result of fascinate Test, my archetype is called the Wise Owl, with three characteristics of observant, assured and unruffled. According to the test report, the Wise Owl combines the advantages of Mystique and Trust so that it shows this personality has the advantages of efficiency, circumspect and commitment. Moreover, from the report, my primary trigger is Mystique and the secondary trigger is Trust. The primary advantage of Mystique shows personalities like intriguing others with understatement, working independently without disclosing insider process and communicating selectively and purposefully. The secondary of advantage of Trust has the personalities, such as watching and reviewing details carefully, earning loyalty through dependability and valuing routine and punctuality.

In fact, the result of my Fascinate Test made me little surprised about my primary trigger. Before taking the test, I thought my primary trigger might be Passion because I think that I am a person who likes to share ideas with others and hates to talk too seriously in communication. Nonetheless, the report is relatively rational for me because the way I express myself is different from my inner thoughts. This suits with the characteristic of Mystique. The Fascinate Test revealed my inner personalities and it also gave me a chance to review myself in my career. In my opinion, the value of archetype and triggers is not the advantage they have. It is the disadvantages they revealed. For example, my archetype report mentions that I rarely make an impassioned plea or over-the-top sales pitch. It reminds me that the logic I put in mind is not based on passion, but rational arguments for ideas.

