How to Leverage the Power of Fascination Advantage in the Marketing Frontier

Mengnan Yu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 28, 2019

How fascinating is the test?

Over the years, I have undertaken numerous personality tests, but none beats theFascination Advantage Test. The key difference in this test is that it focuses on showing individuals how the world views them rather than their temperaments towards the world. Indeed, I was fascinated at how much information the report provides to the point of unravelling hidden characteristics about myself that I have never thought about. While undertaking the test, I was thinking about reasons why some people fascinate me, why others irritate me, and why individuals have varying characters in different setting. This trail of thought also made me ponder about how I present myself to the world, and illuminated my desire to understand myself better, especially how to improve my weaknesses. Overall, I felt that this fascination report is a pointer to the right direction in aiding me improve how I present myself to the world.

How I found my archetype using the Fascination Advantage

From the test, my archetype is The Talent with my primary advantage beingPassion and secondary advantage beingPrestige. The Talent archetype is also characterized by five main characteristics which are: emotionally intelligent, stylish, expressive, energetic and academic. Based on the archetype, the world finds me as a playful individual who enjoys having conversations with new people, and as someone who is understanding in different setups. I found that this report presents my true character to the tune of about 98%, the only characteristics that it missed is the fact that sometimes I tend to love my own personal space, and thus I am more introverted than extroverted. Nevertheless, it is true that I dream big and usually have big plans for my life, relationships, career, and family. I also blend in well in teams that have individuals from various nations or racial backgrounds since I have a passion of understand various viewpoints and ideologies about the world.

How to use the Fascination Advantage as a marketer.

The idea of fascination is definitely a game-changer in the marketing frontier. As a marketer, I would be keen on understanding the thoughts of my target clientele on their view about how the world sees them. For instance, in my case I am stylish, energetic and love a lot of organization in my life. For these reasons, I follow my gym schedule religiously, I have various accessories for keeping both my house and car organized and I tend to dress professionally as per the occasion. Indeed, I am stylish, yet professional at the same time. As a marketer, I believe that having such information about a potential client would enable me build the relevant strategic marketing tools and channels to reach out to such clients. For instance, I would focus on providing products and services that enable the Talent be at their top-notch energy level, well-organized, and enable them meet the desire to show passion at whatever objective they are set to achieve. The reason behind this line of thought is the fact that when an individual learns how the world views them, they will focus more on strengthening that view rather than waver to create a new image. One example of marketing is that we can sue such information to know what type of self-development books to target to individuals falling under various archetypes. In the same manner, we can use the same strategy to market content to these archetypes based on what they like and then use the content as lead magnets towards the purchase of services, products and enrollment into programs.

