How UX Design Improves your Marketing effectiveness

The Importance of UX thinking in Digital marketing

Diran Adelekun
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readNov 11, 2019


Unlike other conventional Job roles the role of the UX designer is still unclear to many. UX design is a still a relatively new field, with many companies only just waking up to the fact that they need you on the payroll if they want to succeed in attracting and retaining customers.

So what exactly is UX design?

It’s no secret that customers today want quick and simple ways to meet their needs and solve their pain points — UX design is the process of creating products that provide a meaningful and relevant experience to users. In other words, it’s providing the best experience for a user from beginning to end. Using this definition when looking at a website, we want to ensure that when the user comes to a site, they are able to get the information they are looking for in the fewest clicks as possible. This is why UX matters so much.

Reasons UX Design important to Digital Marketing.

Consumers today are, savvy, with low attention span and want what they want immediately . Whether at a desk, on a bus or in a bank queue, people like to access the internet for a variety of reasons; be that to shop, find answers via search engines, book flights or window shop. In the execution on all of these tasks, the quality of an individual’s online experience makes a huge difference.

When it comes to developing and executing modern digital marketing strategies, UX can often get forgotten as 96% of mobile customers experienced when they came across websites that weren’t optimized for their device. Unfortunately, 79% admit to searching for another site if the one they landed on does not live up to expectations.

Mobile Usage

The rise in smartphone usage has changed the way people view, buy and interact online. With mobile now accounting for 65% of digital media time, the desktop is becoming the secondary touch point for an increasing number of digital users. 52% of users said a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company — and with 80% of local searches converting on mobile devices (if they are designed properly), UX is a fact that simply should not be ignored.

Content relevance

According to Quick Sprout, 82% of people enjoy reading relevant content from company blogs while a whopping 71% of online publishers claim well-formed mobile content significantly boosted user engagement. Well crafted digital copy that is optimized for search engines is a key ingredient to a good user experience. Not only will this help your web page to rank well for relevant search terms on Google, but SEO friendly copy will also give the consumer an informative answer to the question in an instant. This will ultimately result in conversions rather than website abandonment.

While it may seem obvious for online businesses to provide search optimized, engaging and consumer-focused content User Experience is often overlooked by many.

Source Expereince Dynamics

According to American professor and statistician Edward Tufte, “Confusion and clutter are the failure of design, not the attributes of information.” This rings true to user experience as a whole, and when you’re trying to stand out from the crowd online, one of the best ways to do so is by being clear, concise and accessible to your target audience.

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