How Will Digital Marketing Strategies Change Due To Global Turmoils?

Kaiyue Kong
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readApr 15, 2022

Here are some quick questions:

  • Do you like to buy products online or offline after the global pandemic?
  • Do you notice that many brands stand for Ukraine after the Ukraine–Russian issue?

With the rapid technology development, our shopping lives have changed a lot! In the past, we got used to purchasing groceries or trying clothes at physical stores to ensure everything would be perfect and suitable. However, at present, consumers can be attracted by a cloth when they are surfing on Instagram and order the item with only one click. So, I cannot deny the network and algorithm help people visit more and do things effectively. But despite that, COVID-19 and other political issues have indeed impacted the world, especially consumers’ shopping behaviors. For example, the chart below shows that consumers are inclined to choose online purchasing during the pandemic’s peak, no matter in what countries.

Therefore, brands and marketers should consider keeping consumers sticking to the brands during the digital generation. In my opinion, digital marketers can make modern marketing strategies following with customer journey since it is the end-to-end set of actions and processes that a customer goes through when purchasing goods or services from a company. In addition, The consumer’s emotional subjective response to the end-to-end encounter is referred to as the customer experience. According to McKinsey, brands that improve customer experience boost revenue by 10–15% and cut costs by 15–20% on average. Let’s find out what strategies can help brands sell more!

Awareness–Content Marketing To Improve Brand Image

Target audiences will be interested in the brands or products by seeing them somewhere on social media or other technological communication platforms. Accordingly, please make sure the content is engaging, speaks to the customer’s needs, and speaks their language when they see the advertisements.

At this point, firms can create influential materials, including written articles, images, and videos, and post them on social media or insert those content in regular newsletters and send them via emails. Most people online depend on networks to acquire daily news so that the exposure of posts or emails will be increased more.

Additionally, brands concentrate on social responsibility more and more because the whole world has experienced a heap of sorrowful stories. Presenting the concern to people in vulnerable situations will improve the brand’s reputation and increase customers’ goodwill toward the company. For example, Chobani tweeted a post related to its support for Ukraine, which has generated more “likes”, “reposts” and “comments” than other content.

Find-ability–Website Design And SEO Strategy To Help Customers Search Quickly

Now that brands have the customer’s attention, they need to nurture it. The customer will seek additional information about the product or service on official websites or social media networks during this stage. Therefore, enterprises should create paid advertisements on search engines to ensure customers will not divert their concentration to competitors’ websites. Furthermore, the website should have as much relevant detail as possible. According to the research, 53% of buyers stop engaging when content becomes irrelevant.

Understand prior consumer responses, assess the specifics, including how many visitors, what items they click on or enquire about the most, and develop appropriate offers utilizing these statistics. Those steps will make the customer’s trip much easier at this point.

Reputation– Interact With New And Old Consumers Actively

The customer will do a background check at this point in the journey. Who has used your goods and services, and what have they said about them? Five-star ratings will instill confidence, but one or two stars may signal the end of the client’s journey. Don’t worry! Interacting with your consumers on social media or other websites positively and actively may give some bits of help as soon as finding negative comments. Old consumers may be mad about the products or services, but comforting words usually calm them. What’s more, this will demonstrate to the potential customer that you cared enough to fix the problem.

In case some purchasers give nasty comments unreasonably, brands should provide some small “treats” for them, like 10% off discount, free shipping next order and free sample, etc. Remember! Though words of mouth do not belong to digital marketing tactics, this solution is also helpful on the digital side.

Purchase– An Excellent Process To Collect Data

The customer is now ready to offer the brand money after satisfactory research. This usually indicates that the buyer enjoyed the first three steps. Next, make the payment procedure as simple as possible, whether online or in person. Though digital marketers may not work a lot in purchasing steps, this is an excellent process to collect consumers’ data, including email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, etc. After owning those data, companies will know more about their target audiences’ favorites and behaviors. Consequently, they can use machine learning to personalize and recommend products or services to consumers on websites.

Finally, Advocacy! Creating A Platform To Improve Customer Loyalty

Hang in there! The research found that 87% of consumers will share their positive experiences, whereas 95% will share negative experiences. Customer feedback is crucial at this phase. Create mechanisms for receiving input and maintaining open lines of communication with customers. Firms may create a customer service platform using artificial intelligence to solve problems and complaints. Additionally, social media can also be the best space to maintain good relationships with clients by interacting with their comments again and sharing high-value information with them.

To conclude, the customer journey puts customers at the center of every digital marketing activity. Consider the consumer first and how they will progress through the sales funnel before making assumptions about how to inspire customers to reach companies’ goals.



Kaiyue Kong
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Hi there! I am a new blogger, oh no, I am Kaiyue (Loey) , a 23-year-old from Beijing, China. Who am I? I don’t know either, but welcome you to find real me!