Humanity & Marketing

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 6, 2023

I am a passenger/traveller/ observer to the world, I come here and have been observing human beings all the time. — — — — This is my clear image and understanding of myself.

My primary personality is mystique, and the secondary advantage is passion. So a combination of these two advantage, the key words of how the world sees me is the subtle touch(Tactful, self-sufficient, mindful)

The five adjectives that describe how the world sees me are tactful, self-sufficient, and mindful, profound, and unexpected.

Tactful means I would enjoy gaining an in-depth understanding of a situation or topic before making a choice. I would prefer to systematically analyze all situations and tend to make decisions based on rational facts, but sometimes I can let my emotions play a role, too.

Although this is one of the adjectives of how the outside world sees me, at the same time, it is also one of the related abilities that I have developed. Coincidentally, in the same week, I did a test with 34 strengths in another class, and 3 of the top 5 strengths were related to strategic thinking.

Whether in study or work, before making a decision, I would like to consider many factors to make the most suitable decision. More, I like and am good at deconstructing people’s problems and needs. I think everyone has a core need when making a choice. If they need it, I would prefer to help them analyze the situation and figure out what the core need is. This is why I like doing marketing, I hope to find people’s core needs.

Another adjective of mine is profound. I see beyond the obvious, and I rarely draw conclusions at a superficial level. So this characteristic shows in my work that I am able to analyze competitors’ behavior and predict the next steps. I can notice the subtle signs of a change in direction by the lines, and words. This is exactly how I identify myself because I can recognize tiny changes in emotions, attitudes, and so on. I thought I understand things at a deeper level than most.

More, for the prediction, I tend to predict everyone’s behavior based on what they shows me in the past. I believed that who you are results from what you experienced, and what your personality is. Everyone has their own growing game and in their own game, they are the game protagonist. No matter the word they said, the behavior they acted, or the requirement to others they ask, all those are the exterior expression, but the interior core never changes.

Based on that, I would build a 3D model for everyone around me. The more I know that person, the clearer images of the 3D model I would get in my mind.

I think the description is true to me, and the result matches with the other results of I tested. Based on my characteristics, I chose marketing as my major and my job, because I am interested in analyzing the basic needs, and core of humanity.

This strength helps me to connect with the world and others. I pick one of my strengths as a job and make money, and I hope I can feel accomplished in my job.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

a Digital Marketing student in NYU, works on SEM & Paid Ads