Rodrigo Hernandez
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJan 29, 2022


I come from a land down under … 🇲🇽

Monument Valley, UT — July 2017

Hey! My name is Rodrigo Hernandez, and I am a relatively young and enthusiastic Mexican entrepreneur that is currently completing his MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU and living in New York City.

I strongly believe that a day goes wasted if you do not learn something memorable throughout the 24 hours that you are given each and every day. Whether it may be through an experience or simply by just meeting somebody new and interesting. I consider myself to be curious by nature, always asking questions and wondering about the why’s and how’s of this crazy world we are living in. Sports are a big part of my life, odds are you will either catch me playing one or looking up a score whenever you see me. Sports are a great way to bring people together, enforce discipline, promote health and in the most part spread joy and happiness. Also, sports are unpredictable, you never know what is going to happen no matter how much you tell yourself that you know what the outcome is going to be, and that in my opinion is what is beautiful and rare to find sometimes as we fall into the same old routine we call our lives. Break the mold and allow yourself to experience something exciting, different and foreign to you every day!

In my opinion, empathy is the single most important quality anyone should posses. The ability to feel and care for each other is of paramount importance in order to become a better human being and contribute in the best possible way to society. In case you were wondering, this is my first crack at blogging, so I beg you to bear with me as I ease into it, and hopefully in time both you and I will be better for it. I always try to bring out my best in every situation I encounter, have a positive attitude, and do everything in the best possible way that I know how to. Having said all that, you can expect me to pour my heart and soul into this project and with a little bit of luck learn something along the way.

I would like to end my first blog with something positive that you can take with you, and hopefully improve your day in some way. So please in everything that you do always remember to:

“Reach for the stars, so if you fall you land on a cloud” - Kanye West.




Rodrigo Hernandez
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Mexican Entrepreneur currently living in New York City. MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU. Interested in sports and living life to the fullest.