I Don’t care about MBTI but……

Jiaxuan Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 4, 2023

As I said in the title, I don’t really care about the MBTI personality test that everyone is talking about. Because in my mind, I know myself well enough. Instead, I care more about what the world thinks of me. So today I took the Fascinate Test. The reason is that what distinguishes it from the MBTI is that it focuses on analyzing how I look to others.


What is my reaction to this test?

To be honest, when I first entered the site my reaction was that the interface design of the page was a little outdated. I have to admit that, just on first impressions, the Fascinate Test was completely beaten by the MBTI. The beauty and innovative design of MBTI makes visitors more eager to participate. It’s time to answer questions. The questions mentioned in the test are mostly personal choices in life or work situations, and are broken down into multiple choices based on the degree of compliance. I think such a questionnaire design is reasonable, because it allows me to show my real thoughts in a more specific way. The number of questions is constant, which allows me to basically stay focused throughout the answer. Are you curious about my final test results?

What is my archetype?

Screenshot of my archetype

As you can see in the picture, my archetype is the AVANT-GARDE, which means I am ORIGINAL,ENTERPRISING and FORWARD-THINKING. Here’s how the world sees me.

You are a forward-thinking and enterprising leader. Your creativity makes you an excellent contributor to brainstorming sessions. You’re able to generate a lot of ideas. But you also choose the right ideas and implement them with attention to detail. You experiment with new ideas. You have a gift for looking ahead, for predicting how things are going to develop.

My Primary Advantage is PRESTIGE. This means that I tend to gain the respect of others quickly, both at work and in life. So I pay great attention to details and the competition and comparison with others.

My Secondary Advantage is INNOVATION. It means I don’t like to follow the rules. I will spontaneously use unique, original thinking to think about problems. I also don’t like some repetitive and easy work. I really need to find challenge and interest in work and life.

Does it feel true to me?

I think that’s very true for me. The results of the test fit well with my understanding of my own personality. And as far as I can tell, my image in the minds of others probably fits these descriptions. I think this feeling of authenticity is due to the reasonableness of the questions and the specificity with which archetypes are divided by the founder Sally Hogshead. At the same time, the summary of advantages can also obviously make people understand the main characteristics of a certain archetype.

How can I use this information?

After I had a better understanding of how the world saw me, all I had to do was take advantage of my strengths and avoid my weaknesses. In this test, my advantages are Prestige and Innovation, while my disadvantages are Trust. For example, when I’m creating my personal brand I have to be creative, which sets my methodology apart from others. At the same time I use my attention to detail to maximize my Prestige. It helps build good word of mouth. I should avoid getting stuck in repetitive and easy tasks. I will also try to avoid the distrust of others. Perhaps being honest with others is an important way for me to overcome the crisis of trust in my team.



Jiaxuan Wu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

2022FALL NYU Intergreted Marketing. I am going to blog about marketing. I am also a professional Chinese rapper with my AKA Rapeter.