I‘m going to read every email from this brand: Sunday Riley surely knows about emails.

Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readMar 24, 2024

First of all, let’s be clear: I don’t read every email, and I am quite certain nobody does.

However, there is one brand sending me emails that literally “seduced” me to open — — yes, that’s you, Sunday Riley, be proud.

Picture From Instagram@SundayRiley

From the very beginning, everything starts with the first email — — just like the first date, the impression is the key. As a visual animal, I always look for the superficial side, what I mean is if you cannot look pretty on the outside, how can I trust you on the inside?

Pardon my prejudice. Let’s back to the topic.

Rule №1: Be on time

“Welcome glow-getter”

That was the title from Sunday Riley’s first email, immediately sent after I subscribed (for the 15% off discount).

Screenshot From Inbox

As soon as I entered the website, I was expecting a pop-up window with a discount reminder. However, nothing happened. Scrolling down to the bottom, the subscribe text bar was there: obvious but not too forced. A subtle dark black with simple instructions “Enjoy 15% off your first order” and the latest news about products.

Screenshot From Sunday Riley

Convincing reason and hard to resist “to not subscribe.”

After the subscription, the website did not ask for more information such as a phone number or “Where did you find us” but a lovely confirmation (shown below).

Screenshot From Sunday Riley

In less than 5 seconds, the confirmation email was received:

Rule №1, be on time — — and be visible. The subscription is easy to complete without further requests, and the confirmation email comes quickly: a gentle push to customers to use that discount by limiting the wait time.

Rule №2: Dress nice and speak nice

Although my name did not appear at the top, I was surprised by the giant GIF image pumped to my eyes: a gilt gold shimmering animation. Perfectly matched with the title. At the center, it states, “Your discount awaits” and “Scratch off to reveal.”

Screenshot From Inbox

The glittering image is linked to the discount portal on the website: swiping the cursor, the white background is erased by the mouse, and the discount code hidden behind the image is revealed as promised: leveraging digital application extends interactivity, animated features create a glamorous effect.

Screenshot From Inbox

Creative and appealing, checked.

Moving on, a warm welcome phrase in 100 words. To avoid being overly commercial, the text did include too much information which is enough for a glance. A shop button below to lead purchase: another reminder for the discount.

Also, the email includes a series of certifications with logo images. Certification provides a sense of trustworthiness and reliability which brings the brand to another level of convincingness. The images were symmetrical in the same size and all in black and white. Visually, the presentation is well-organized: let images speak for the brand instead of words because it is much easier for the audience.

Screenshot From Inbox

Rule №3: Keep in touch, or not

At the bottom, the email displays its social media accounts (in logos). Clicking those logos, the system automatically opens the corresponding platforms — — convenience satisfied. Considering different customers have various preferences for media, providing multiple contact channels is a smart way to maintain engagement.

Screenshot From Inbox

As mentioned in the beginning, some subscriptions are only for the discount. Apparently, the brand also notices this fact:

The opt-out instruction is shown at the end, underlined with keywords: the link leads to a simple design web page: here it presents the email address again to avoid mistaken action and also to double confirm. After clicking unsubscribe, the process is complete.

Screenshot From Safari

In case customers regret their decision (hopefully), the brand also provides a rewind: it provides a re-subscribe link right below the opt-out confirmation. The whole process took only seconds. An all-round consideration and prediction of customer behavior is presented in detail.

Screenshot From Safari

Email marketing can be annoying. Unpleasant emails are like ex-es: non-stop, attention-seeker, ignore your feelings. However, this time Sunday Riley offers a good example of how to send emails properly: make up good relevant content. In the digital world, eye-catching is the priority. In this case, Sunday Riley chooses to adopt animation blended into the content, adding entertainment to increase engagement; all the social media channels are presented with valid links back to the official website; the opt-in/out process is quick and simple with additional thoughtful follow-ups. By giving full respect to customers’ consent, Sunday Riley earns trust and integrity.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Guess what? you find me: a former art student, a life marketer