“Inter” Active Content in Marketing

Shikha Mehul Parikh
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readMay 8, 2020

We live for interaction and the internet lives to give it to us.

Today with the content being king and ruling the online space, as marketers we want to certainly create more meaningful content and measure its actions.

On the battlefield of content marketing, reading, watching, listening, or downloading something is a great shot, but to get a prospect emotionally involved with the content via interaction is a hit.

This is where Interactive Content enters.

To explain this concept, I have created a video about what is Interactive Content and why every brand should use it as a part of its marketing strategy.

Created via: Biteable.com

When I was a kid and was asked about my favorite memory of school it had to be the activities and the trips. I feel Interactive Content is the field trip of Content Marketing.

So considering human nature, I feel this is not a fad and it will stay for a long time.


“By its very nature, interactive content engages participants in an activity: answering questions, making choices, exploring scenarios. It’s a great way to capture the attention right from the start. Individuals have to think and respond; they can’t just snooze through it.”

Scott Brinker, Ioninteractive



Shikha Mehul Parikh
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU SPS — MS in Integrated Marketing | Marketing Enthusiast | Cup of Coffee in one hand, listening to my Bollywood Music — that's how I start my mornings