Into the Metaverse: Unraveling Meta’s Reels Carousel Ads Update

Maxine Mchunguzi
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readOct 15, 2023
Credit to Social Media Today

Hey there Muses!

You know how I’ve been pedalling on the journey of self-development, right? If you’ve been keeping up with my LinkedIn, you’ve seen my badges multiply. Yep, acing those Google certifications on Video Ads! As I deep-dived into the wonders of video placements and the spell they cast, I couldn’t resist teleporting into the Metaverse (Okay, a playful swipe across apps, but let’s keep it dramatic).

Meta’s Holiday Surprise
Right when Halloween’s around the corner, preparing us for an avalanche of holiday campaigns, Meta throws in a magical twist for marketers. Drawing inspiration from their collections ads — those nifty main images/videos with a trio of product images below — they’ve upped the ante. Enter the Multi-Destination Reels Carousel Ads. Every image in this carousel is a doorway, leading to different product realms. The swipe-left feature? It’s like flipping through a magical catalogue where every page promises potential wonders (and conversions).

But let’s get real. Meta’s not sprinkling this fairy dust out of sheer benevolence. With eMarketer projecting their ad revenue to leap by 8.2% this year, Meta knows there’s gold in them hills. And given the undying trend of short videos, striking the right chord in creativity, format, and purchase pathways has never been more critical.

Weighing the Magic: Pros & Cons

  • Tailored Advertising: By guiding each viewer through specific product pages, brands can craft a more personalised, targeted ad experience.
  • Seamless Purchase Pathway: Eliminating extra steps to reach the desired product ensures a smooth purchase journey, reducing potential drop-offs.
  • Optimised Creativity: Meta’s continuous tools for creative optimization mean brands can continually refine their messaging for maximum impact.


  • Over-Saturation: With every brand potentially hopping onto this carousel, there’s a risk of audience fatigue.
  • Dependency: Relying heavily on one platform’s features can be risky. What if the algorithm changes or the feature evolves?
  • Not for All: While big brands might leverage this effortlessly, smaller businesses might struggle to create diverse landing pages for each product.

The Grand Conclusion: Dive In or Observe?
Meta’s new feature is a clear game-changer. It beautifully intertwines the essence of a brand with results-driven tools. While my personal shopping spree on Instagram might still be on a hiatus, I can’t ignore the magnetic pull this holds for holiday shoppers. Brands, it seems, are getting a shiny new toy for their digital strategies. And if you’re in doubt, even Rival IQ vouches for the power of Reels.

So, Muses, here’s my pondering for you: In this era of short-video ads, what makes you stop, watch, and possibly shop?

Until our next digital rendezvous, keep the reels rolling!



Maxine Mchunguzi
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Traveller, foodie, Masters student and now blogger? Follow along to hear more about my marketing musings.