Is Blogging Cheugy?

The Evolution of Blogging About Marketing in the Digital Age

John William Barger
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readJul 7, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, being a blogger can feel like standing at the crossroads of creativity and technology, where each turn promises new adventures and endless possibilities… but do people still read anything online?

Despite the rise of social media influencers and the transient nature of viral content, blogging is far from cheugy (for my fellow millennial or older readers, that’s a Gen Z term for something outdated or out-of-style). It remains a critical medium for in-depth analysis, thoughtful discourse, and the cultivation of a dedicated audience. Blogging still matters because it offers a platform for nuanced perspectives, long-form content, and evergreen resources that social media posts simply cannot match. As we navigate this dynamic terrain over the next several weeks, let’s explore what you can expect and why following this blog will be a valuable investment for your marketing acumen.

The Digital Pulse: Why Blogging About Marketing is Thrilling

Blogging about marketing in the digital age is like being a conductor in a symphony. The rapid pace of change and innovation means there’s always something new to learn, discuss, and dissect. Whether it’s the latest algorithm update from Google, a groundbreaking campaign that’s going viral, or emerging trends in consumer behavior, the digital marketing space is a goldmine of insights and opportunities.

The Intersection of Creativity and Analytics

One of the most fascinating aspects of digital marketing is the blend of creativity and analytics. On one hand, we have creative campaigns that capture hearts and minds (the “wow” or “aww!” factor), and on the other, data-driven strategies that ensure these campaigns hit the mark. Blogging about this interplay allows us to delve deep into the art and science of marketing, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of what makes successful campaigns… successful!

What to Expect in the Coming Weeks

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be diving into a variety of topics designed to arm you with the latest insights and practical strategies to elevate your own marketing game. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store:

1. Emerging Trends and Technologies

I’ll explore how AI and machine learning are reshaping the marketing landscape. From chatbots that enhance customer service to predictive analytics that refine targeting, these technologies are transforming how we engage with audiences.

2. Content Marketing Mastery

Content remains king, but the rules of the game are constantly evolving. I’ll dissect successful content strategies, provide tips on creating compelling content from my own experience and those of several case studies, and share insights on how to leverage different formats, from blogs to videos to podcasts and beyond.

3. SEO in 2024

SEO is the backbone of digital visibility. I’ll cover the latest SEO trends, including voice search optimization, mobile-first indexing, and the importance of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). Expect practical tips on how to keep your website at the top of search engine results pages, even in our curent era of Google searches that end with “reddit” to cut through ads and promoted pages.

4. Social Media Strategies

Social media platforms are continuously evolving, with new features and algorithms that can make or break your marketing efforts. As a social media creator myself and a member of Meta’s Creator Advisory Board, I’ll discuss effective strategies for each major platform, from Instagram’s latest updates to LinkedIn’s powerful B2B tools.

Why Follow This Blog?

Following this blog means you’re investing in your growth as a marketer. Here’s why:

Insider Insights and Practical Advice

My posts are not just about sharing information; they’re about providing actionable insights backed by data and expert analysis. I will break down complex concepts into snackable, digestible pieces, ensuring you can apply these strategies directly to your work… today.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

In a field that’s constantly evolving, staying updated is crucial. My blog ensures you’re always in the know about the latest trends and technologies, at least for the next six weeks! Whether it’s a new social media feature or a groundbreaking marketing tool, you’ll hear about it here first.

Engaging and Interactive Content

I believe in creating communities, and here I hope to create a community of learners and practitioners. My blog is a space where you can engage with content, ask questions, and share your experiences. Each post is designed to spark conversation and encourage the exchange of ideas… so don’t ignore that comment section!

Comprehensive Coverage

From the basics of digital marketing to advanced strategies, my blog will cover it all. Whether you’re a newbie looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned professional seeking to refine your skills, you’ll find valuable content tailored to your needs.

clicking a follow button


Blogging about marketing in the digital age is exciting and more relevant than ever. It’s a journey through a landscape that’s rich with innovation, creativity, and endless learning opportunities. Over the next several weeks, this blog will be your guide, offering insights, strategies, and a community of like-minded individuals passionate about marketing.

So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride! Follow this blog to stay ahead of the curve, master the art and science of marketing, and join a community that’s as enthusiastic about digital marketing as you are.

To wet your whistle for the semester ahead, get a head start and check out these insightful articles on Content Marketing Trends, SEO Best Practices, and Social Media Trends and Strategies.



John William Barger
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Millennial Musings on Marketing: Mastering Methods and Mindful Methodologies ///// NYU Candidate MS IMC '25 //// Instagram @jwbarger