Is Google Following Hearts?

Meng Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 28, 2021

When I see the title of “Google will soon ban third-party tracking cookies”, I was surprised that what a moral company. However, if you dig deeper and read some articles about it, you will see that Google is changing a way of selling users’ information.

Privacy Problems and The Sandbox

The reason that Google wants to ban third-party tracking cookies is the rising of privacy problems from users. These years, users pay more attention to their privacy issues and people who use the internet want to protect their privacy. Google foresees the potential problem and it created a program, is called Sandbox. The sandbox collects users’ data and organizes these data into different categories and sells to advertisers anonymously.

If people who do not care much about privacy problems and do not know much about how targeting ads worked, they will continue to use Google search engines and the Sandbox program helps Google to keep certain users. However, uses who know about the program and targeting ads will still consider whether to use Google search engines or not because there is no big difference between using the sandbox or before, Google is still collecting your data.

The Advertisers

If the Sandbox program is implemented, fewer advertisers will cooperate with Google because they have to buy data from Google rather than collect data by themselves. Google has the right to elevate the price of users’ data. Also, these data will be provided anonymously which means much information will be hidden so it is harder for advertisers to aim the right targets and lots of more money will be spent.

The Marketers

Google search engines, especially Chrome, take the most market share. If the program starts, it will change the online advertising environment. I think online advertisers will go through a very hard time adapting. Marketers should have the ability to forecast what will happen in the online advertising industry. In the meantime, marketers should also pay attention to Google’s Sandbox. What if the program does not move smoothly and users still against it? Google will create a huge loss from the program, no one will know what is going to happen in the future.

Google should do…

Google is not doing a great way of following users’ desires about privacy problems. What Google wants to do is preventing the data collection from the third-party but Google will sell the data to the third-party eventually. If Google has to collect data from uses in order to make money, it can collect ads, categorize data and push ads to target uses, Google must do everything by itself, rather than selling data to the third-party.

