Is Social Media Destroying Our Self-Esteem?

Victoria Stein
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 6, 2021

Do you believe social media has influenced your self-esteem? There are more than 3.6 billion people on social media. That’s over 3.6 billion people judging, commenting, or liking one and others content. Will I get lots of likes? Will I receive any flattering comments? Do I look pretty enough? These questions are brought on by anxiety. Thoughts of fear. Right as you’re about to post that selfie.

Now, have you ever looked in the mirror and all you saw were things you wish were different? Your hair, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips. What if I told you that with a push of a button you could change any part of your face into what you wanted. To look more like that girl who has over a thousand likes on her selfie. So, you too can receive tons of positive affirmations that make you feel beautiful.

Would you, do it?

Dove does it right! The personal care brand focuses on being your beautiful self. I am obsessed with their Dove Self-Esteem Project campaign, highlighting the ugly truth about social media filters and re-touch up apps. It’s riveting to see a company stand behind self-love with a deep message about today’s youth growing up in a society that allows strangers on social media to build their self-esteem. When something has an emotional tie to a serious concern happening now, that in my opinion, is what good content should be all about.

I feel compelled and engaged while watching this ad. The story pulls me in. Makes me feel. The message is clear with no need for words. This is what strengthens Dove’s overall brand message that encourages young girls and females to feel beautiful in their own skin. They are having the conversation about the dangers of face apps. Bringing awareness to parents on how to talk to your child. How to make them love themselves without the help from apps.

I was not a teenager that grew up in the times of having billions of people to compare myself too online. Or with tools to morph my appearance to something I would see in a magazine. With pressures to look perfect, flawless, and beautiful. But I can watch this young girl getting ready to take her picture and see the big problem. That’s what makes sharing or talking about this campaign so easy. You don’t have to be this girl to understand. A mother can cry. A young teenage girl can relate. A dad can worry. It carries an emotion of truth that needs attention.

How does this campaign make you feel? What does it make you think about? Run through your own social media feed. Now let me ask again, do you believe social media can influence your self-esteem?

#TheSelfieTalk #DoveSelfEsteemProject



Victoria Stein
Marketing in the Age of Digital

M.S. Integrating Marketing Canidate at NYU SPS . Event Marketing Manager . Dog mom to a 9 yr. old pit-bull