It’s time to flip. How to transfer our marketing strategy under COVID-19?

Yitong Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 23, 2021

There is a line in one of my favorite movies, The wandering earth “At first, nobody cared about this disaster until everyone is entwined with this disaster.” This pandemic that happened in 2020 has gradually become closely related and affected every one of us. Because of the impact of the pandemic, marketing has become different from before. As a marketer, we have to think about what should our clients to know during this special period? What will happen to marketing after the pandemic?

Engage Your Customers with Empathy

During these difficult periods, it is important to listen to your customers, use real-time data to better understand their current situation and needs. Creating personalized experiences proves you care about your customers. Tell your customers the humanistic of the company is one of the most effective ways to increase brand loyalty. It will set the brand apart from other competitors.

Optimize Budget Spends

There are 69% of brands expect they decrease Ad spend in 2020. The pandemic is a global disaster, which hurts the global economy. Especially in some particular industries such as hospitality, outdoor appeals. The revenue is declining, the marketing budget will lower than before. Most of the marketing revenue will spend on digital marketing raise online marketing engagement and increased openness to new digital offerings.

Top 10 Fastest Declining Categories

Shifting the Shopping Habits

Keeping social distance due to the pandemic is leading many consumers to shop online. It is not hard to observe that people who don’t shop online before are starting to purchase on Amazon. Nowadays, the social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter are not only a platform to share your life, but also become the channels to shop. 62% of US Shoppers Say They Shop Online More Now Than Pre-COVID. In this situation, digital marketing has become extremely important than before.

Expand Market Frontiers

The pandemic is a challenge, however, it is also a chance to transfer. During this time we can break company boundaries and expand our market frontiers. It is better to try more marketing promotion cross functions. Break the public’s inherent image of the brand and present diversity to our audience. We need to think about how to stand out from competitors at this particular moment.

Protect the Customer privacy

Since customers are shifting their shopping habits to online channels, companies need to take the responsibility to protect the user data. Customers need to feel safe when they are picking our products, especially in the big data era, many customers have a concern about their information safety.

Although we do not know when the pandemic will end and when social and commercial activities will resume, we firmly believe that the day will eventually come.

