I’ve been labeled The Talent (and I like it)

Diana C. Avalos
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 29, 2019

Whenever I hear the word talent words like singing, dancing, painting, drawing, come to mind. And sadly, I have never been the greatest at any of these. So when the results for my “Fascinate Test” showed up I was shook.

As part of an exercise to better know ourselves and understand our individual strengths, we took the personality test developed by Sally Hogshead, where you answer 28 multiple choice questions and at the end you get insights into your personality type, specifically into how the world sees you. That is a question I never really asked myself, probably because I would not be equipped to answer without going around asking everyone I know their opinion of me and that in itself would just defeat the purpose. So, a standardized test such as this one come really handy.

There is a lot of power in knowing yourself and knowing how others perceive you is an added advantage. So my results were: The Talent. The Talent is a combination of Passion (as a primary trait) and Prestige (as the secondary trait). The highlight for this archetype would be the ability to communicate in a lively manner, to convey a message that connects with others. And as far as prestige goes, that reflects a willingness to uphold myself and others to high standards, while also encouraging and supporting their development.

When I was young I consider myself quite shy. I have an older sister who did most of the shining in our home and at school, so I was always second best. And that feeling made me want to rather be out of the race all together. Until the day we changed schools. In the new school, as no one knew me (and no one knew my sister) I was able to really develop a new sense of self, independent of my past. It was a new awakening. I became very outgoing and able to communicate with my peers and teachers with ease. I was also involved in sports which helped me see myself as part of a team, of a school spirit and develop a feeling of camaraderie. These aspirations have accompanied me ever since. So, when Sally explained the archetype of The Talent as having a lot of Passion, it totally made sense and resonated with who I feel I am.

As far as Prestige (the ability to hold high standards for yourself and other) is something that, again probably due to the innate competition that existed in my life as a younger sibling of a bright first child, I see as a natural aspect of my personality. But I felt more connected to the trait, when Sally explained it also involves being supportive of others and helping them strive higher. It is here where I felt most engaged. Helping others realize they are capable of bigger, better things has always been a huge motivator for me personally and professionally.

So, yes. I was surprised by the label but totally agree with the verdict.

Moreover, these made me think about how relevant it is for a marketer and in marketing in general. The perception others have of us is in fact a determinant factor for many major decisions in our lives. That is what brands are all about, being able to convey the desired message to the right audience and for them to translate that message in the same wavelength as us.

This was a very exciting and eye-opening exercise, because even if you think you know yourself it is always helpful to put it into actionable scenarios and with precise vocabulary.



Diana C. Avalos
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Integrated Marketing Expert— NYU Alum. Passionate about helping connect consumers to the right brands and products. Women leaders advocate.