How the world sees me.

Xue Ni
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 29, 2019

I’d love to spend my time on thinking about my life. Nowadays people desire to be what others want you to be, but what they really need to do is to slow their steps and get to know themselves. Self-awareness is a practice that everyone can always improve at. It is part emotional intelligence, part perceptiveness, part critical thinking. It means knowing your weaknesses, of course, but it also means knowing your strengths and what motivates you.

I recently took an interesting personal evaluation test called “Your Fascination Advantage” created by Sally Hogshead. This survey is shared by my digital marketing professor, Joanne Tombrakos. I really don’t trust in these typed personality test, because you will apply yourself on the results no matter you get. But surprisingly, the results show who am I and explain why through 28 simple and straight questions.

Through the test, I found out that my primary advantage is passion, the most effective mode of communication. And my secondary advantage is mystique, which describes my second-highest mode of communication. These two advantages explain how my personality is most likely to add value. The two elements combine to form my archetype, intrigue.

The world sees me that I have a rare ability to switch between taking an analytical view and emotionally connecting. This is very true! I consider problems rationally for the time being emotionally. So it takes time for me to take act with thought, and I get trapped in an overthinking mind easily. But with this personality, as a marketer, I can adapt to different situations because I access either my expressive or rationally side when required. I won’t act on impulse. Like, I won’t appoint new vendors just because their price is lower. Under my careful decisions, they have to have sufficient reasons to catch my interests.

The report shows that discerning, perceptive, considerate, selective and warm and cool are the top five specialty adjectives of my archetype. Okay, I am happy to see these good qualities. On account of mental suggestion, I am likely to be influenced by the detailed explanation of each adjective. The most interesting and confusing one is “warm and cool”. It says when first meeting an intrigue, I will find it easy to make contact. I disagree with this part. I am a slow person, and I need time to get to know circumstances surround me. But I agree with that I feel I know then already after our first meeting. I feel more comfortable to share information freely at the second time we meet, and I would guard my personal feelings closely. My thinking is complex and rich, it’s hard for others to track.

Here is the link of the amazing survey, don’t miss this if you want to discover your fascination advantage!

