Keep The Conversation Going On

TikTok launching new Q&A feature to all creator account

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 5, 2021


Marketers ask customers questions, like “How do you like the product/service?”, “How likely will you recommend it to a friend?” and so forth.

What will customers ask us? We may not know until they do so.

Even though many websites have their FQA section, they still have a “contact us” button because designers know that customers have more confusion than what’s on the list.

TikTok has rolled out a new Q&A feature to all creator accounts, enabling users to pose questions to creators. Questions can then be answered through live-stream or future videos.

TikTok’s new Q&A function

Why Q&A

This is a step toward more handy and profound interaction between influencers/brands and viewers/customers. It is necessary for influencers/brands to listen to their viewers/customers if they want to build strong relationships with them.

Why audience have questions? Because they are either confused or curious! If they are curious, it means that they are interested, so answering their questions may be the best chance to persuade them. If they are confused, at least they are not indifferent. We answer the questions to show credibility.

Most importantly, we gather opinions from customers. The Q&A feature allows creators to track feedbacks and review his/her performance based on the questions asked.

How Q&A Facilitate Influencer Marketing

The influencer/content creator group has thrived during the time of pandemic as consumers are spending time on their devices more than ever. This is a good time for marketers to collaborate with influencers to promote products.

Moreover, live-streaming is becoming more popular among customers. It’s a way they interact with their loved influencers, attend virtual events, as well as shop online. The biggest barrier of live-streaming is the limited interaction between content creators and the audience. Hopefully, the new Q&A function will make viewers feel more engaged.

Marketer’s Concern

A projection says that two-thirds of marketers will use influencer marketing in 2021, making the influencer selection extra important. All social media platforms are inviting influencers and marketers. Choosing the best influencers to collaborate with and the platform to perform is an important decision.

Also, the answers to the questions should be monitored as everything will be filed. Influencers are also individual brands, and they want to make content that promotes their own images. Marketers need to ensure that there is no conflict between influencers and the brands.

Also, it is not a good sign when there are too many questions asked. This could mean that the information provided is insufficient. No question is also a warning to improve the content.

TikTok’s Threats

The new function has been recently launched; while we assess the bright side, TikTok should also be aware of the problems that might come along.

The first question is: will there be a screener program built in the Q&A function? Questions may be asked twice or more. How can TikTok avoid duplicated content in the file? Also, since the questions asked will go to the creators’ profile, how to rule out vicious critics?

Another threat is: Instagram is about to launch the multi-participant live streaming function. Which one, collaborative live-streaming or Q&A, can engage customers more? Even though TikTok reached 34.2% user penetration in the US, it’s still way behind Instagram.

