Kellogg’s Better Days during COVID-19 Pandemics

Mengning Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 16, 2021

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Kellogg’s marketing campa

Hi there, it’s Mengning again.

This week I will still be using my favorite snack brand — — Poptarts — — as an example to make a point on digital marketing during the pandemic. However, I choose Kellogg’s because it is the parent company and has more media coverage and marketing actions during COVID 19 period.

Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

Kellogg’s Better Days

Kellogg’s is truly a kind-hearted company. As the positive cases pass 100 million globally, companies are trying their best to send aids to people who need help. Kellogg’s gives free food to their employees and their families. Employees who are not working front-line are asked to stay home and work remotely to decrease the chance of getting infected. Employees who are on the production line are following very strict sanitation protocols and implementing strict social distancing and wellness checks.

Of course, this is not all Kellogg has been doing to help. According to new research from the United Nations University, “the fallout from COVID-19 could push half a billion people into poverty in developing countries, significantly increasing their risk of food insecurity”. As a food production company, Kellogg and its charitable funds have donated nearly $18 million in food and funds to global COVID-19 hunger relief efforts to date and that number is growing.

Kellogg’s charity donation

Kellogg’s Donations

After helping with charity, Kellogg reports it on many different media including its official website, snack-food-related websites, twitter, and other digital platforms to make a marketing presence regarding to this global disaster.

Kellogg knows very well what its consumers want — — people want to see their loved companies showing some social responsibility and kindness at difficult times. And beyond that, this is absolutely a good time to create a marketing campaign to raise brand awareness and enhance brand reputation. Therefore, according to statistics, Kellogg’s contributions aid the following organizations around the world: The Global Food Banking Network, supporting food banks across Asia, Europe and Latin America; European Food Banks Federation, supporting food banks across Europe; Feeding America, supporting 200 food bank locations across the United States and Food Banks Canada, supporting 500 food banks across Canada.

Kellogg’s marketing campaign

Successful Marketing Campaign

A tagline “Kellogg’s Better Days” is created for this marketing campaign. Meanwhile, Kellogg’s corn flakes line and frozen waffles are increasing in sales because people now have more time to eat at home due to the pandemic. Kellogg has a “better-than-expected” financial result for the second quarter of 2020. The success comes indispensable to its marketing strategies. In conclude, it first lifts Kellogg’s brand reputation by donating to food banks, and gains tons of good feeling from society; second, to increase demand and push its product to sale.

What’s in the Future?

Lastly, I think the pandemic will change our way of communication in a daily basis. Online and digital marketing will play a huge role in the future because people don’t go out as much. Our time on mobile devices will increase for sure, and email marketing returns to our sight. The amount of social media advertisement will increase as well, and probably less advertisement on public transportation.

