Kerrygold: Bring the Best Quality and Enjoy the Small Moment Over A Home

How customers choose the ingredients. Is it based on quality or price?

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 4, 2022


We know that butter is an ingredient in high demand, and there are tones of brands on the market, such as Land O Lakes, Kerrygold, and Challenge Butter. How does each of these brands stand out from the others in such a competitive environment? How do they let people trust its products? Undoubtedly, the excellent quality and reasonable price are two important aspects that lead customers to action. Moreover, corporates use marketing tools to launch and promote their brands on specific products. For example, they use social media, give samples in the physical stores, and find an influencer.

Besides the tools I mentioned in the last paragraph, I realize that storytelling is challenging for brands. Brand storytelling is an act of creating an emotional narrative that you want to connect your brand to your consumers, and it includes intrinsic value the brand wants to share with people — using the creative description to capture the audience’s attention for one minute or three minutes. It’s not only seeking customers’ attention on products but also more on the values and feelings.

A Brand Storytelling From Kerrygold: The First Day

Source from Youtube

This 60s short film tells the story of how a family shares their love and celebrates a special moment together. A family woke up in the middle of the night and baked a special meal for the son, who had just finished his first day on the job. Everyone in the family dressed formally to celebrate. The narrative of the story reflects the powerful love behind the family. Kerrygold cleverly uses storytelling to illustrate the role of butter play in the family. “Without this butter to connect them, they wouldn’t have the perfect dish share with the son and, therefore, the perfect surprise.”

When I see this creative video, it pulls me in and engages me about family love. I chose this example from Kerrygold because the story attracts me a lot and makes me think about myself as an international student who lives without family. From the content, Kerrygold includes the pure Irish butter at the end of the video, but the butter itself is not the central focus of the advertising. This brand story seeks audiences to feel warm, happy, and enjoyable when people come together. Especially for family time, as an audience who has seen this storytelling, it engages me with love from family memory. Every moment that I stay with my family is so unique, and it encourages me to spend more time with my family.

A Message That Sends To Us.

Source from Youtube

“Nothing Tastes Like Together.” A slogan from the video. The company cleverly used butter to associate it with family life rather than a direct presentation like how to make high-quality butter from Irish grass-fed cows’ milk. As I mentioned before, the story engages with love and enjoys life’s simpler moments together. With the connection of butter in the story, a message of nothing tastes like together decodes as “nothing warm like together.” It sends a powerful message to customers and understands the moment over a home that will happen in people’s life.

A Truly Sharable Content!

I love this brand of storytelling, and it engages my emotion a lot. I think it’s shareable content I want to share with my audience. The moment of waiting for someone in your family is the situation that always happens, but the feeling and meaning of being together are much more valuable.

