Lancôme:I Can, We Will…

Jiaqi Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 6, 2021

This commercial was released in 2019, begins with a mixed-race beauty riding a white steed who doesn’t need her prince charming to pick her up. She runs through the city, she knows what she wants, she knows where she is going, she is her own queen.

This commercial is very much in line with the values of people in today’s society. With the rise of feminism, women’s minds have been liberated.This fragrance is positioned as a new age of women who break away from tradition and redefine success. They no longer have to dress up and wait for the prince to pick them up for the ball. For them, money, power and status can all be realized through their own efforts.

A lot of cosmetics brands on the market have been encouraging men to give perfume as a gift to their beloved woman, but this seems to be out of line with the thinking of today’s young people, they think they can get what they want through themselves. So Lancome’s product positioning is also in line with the trend of the times. “Breaking with tradition” is the product’s positioning. Different from the previous perfume bottle design are very complex and exquisite, the design of this perfume is very simple, no complex decoration. Lancome cleverly uses the values in line with the current society, which makes this product not only a perfume, but also represents a power and an dream .In our life, perfume is often given to our friends as a gift, but this bottle of perfume with special meaning also makes the gift more profound.。

This perfume is like a gift that a girl will give herself. She can motivate herself. Whenever girls go on a date, go to school or go to work, they can smell the smell of confidence anytime and anywhere. The girl in the advertisement is riding a horse at a gallop, as if running in the road of life, we are all lonely, no one can always accompany in the side, she ran to the brightest and highest place, the perfume bottle in the hand seems to be the trophy of her success. she do not need someone to cheer beside her Because, she is her idol. Imagine how inspired a girl would be to receive such a meaningful perfume as a gift. The success of the Lancome AD is that it gives the perfume a new definition that changes the product itself into something spiritual.

