Life and Marketing

Alicia Garcia
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readSep 19, 2021

Welcome to my Marketing and life blog! I first want to introduce myself, my name is Alicia Karina, but I have always been called Karina. I am the eldest daughter of four siblings. My family is originally from Sinaloa, Mexico, but we have lived in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, for 30 years. I am what we consider in our city a border child. A child grew up in a border city with two cities, two countries, and two cultures living and growing together. Even having dual citizenship, we moved to El Paso, Texas, until I was 18 years old and only then learned English. I love that I am bilingual and bicultural, and I hope that helps me give my personal touch to this blog.

So, who am I?

I will share little things about myself. First, I am outgoing, friendly and enjoy photography, a good book, a good walk. I enjoy spending time by myself but also love being around people. My favorite book is The Little Prince because it reminds me of my childhood. It was the first book that made me fall in love with reading. Secondly, my favorite book series is Harry Potter, but I enjoy reading from F. Scott Fitzgerald and Jane Austen. And last, I always appreciate learning new things from books, articles, and mostly from people.

Karina in Mexico back in January

During the pandemic, a lot of things changed in the world and in my personal life. I made a few decisions, things that changed the trajectory of my career. I decided to make a resolution, to make something better for me. I decided to achieve my master’s degree on something I like. Something I was excited about was taking this course in my second semester, Digital Marketing. I never thought I would be moving to New York City, going back to school, working full time, or even writing a blog. I love books and reading, but I have never thought of being on the other side of the spectrum, the writer. I do not know how I feel about blogging, but I am excited about the upcoming weeks’ challenges and tasks.

Where am I?

I am today writing this blog from Guadalajara, Mexico. This weekend is my big brother’s wedding. While preparing for what was coming this weekend, I realized that everything in our life is pure marketing. We are our brands; how do we present ourselves, and how do others perceive us. So even as a bridesmaid that had the color and dress picked up for me, I had to make it my own. I wanted to be dressed in my style, give it my personal touch. And that is what I want to achieve during the next several weeks. I want to know how to share my unique touch with everything I do, blog about things that interest me, and give my opinion without being so factual or not interesting. I also accept that this uneasy feeling I get about public posting my writing goes away. So I am expecting that soon it will become easier.



Alicia Garcia
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Welcome! Hola! Here to blog about life and marketing. NYU Grad Student. Photography enthusiast. Book-lover, Bibliophagist.