Make It Easy For the Audience

Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 3, 2020

The website of Naked Juice creates a customer journey that is aesthetically pleasing, but confusing and ineffective at certain points. In the following, I will discuss places that need improvement.

Ease the audiences’ cognitive burden

When a person reads a website, he or she wants to get straight to the point without doing much thinking. The top banner of the website, which receives immediate attention, is not as clear as it should be. While the audiences are aware of what “Products” and “Where to buy” mean, they might scratch their heads over “However you healthy” and “The naked truth”. As a result, they are less likely to explore these pages.

Can I skim?

Everyone’s time is precious. If a person needs to spend too much time on getting the information, he or she might wonder whether the information is worth it. The “However you healthy” page makes the mistake of creating a fancy, but also unnecessarily lengthy experience for the audiences. When the readers scroll down, the benefits of each exercise, such as cycling and climbing stairs, show up on the screen, taking around one second for each. As a result, in order to read all 6 exercises, the audiences need to waste at least 6 seconds (to get to the product section). However, the benefits of these exercises are, on the one hand, rather self-explanatory, and on the other, very indirectly related to the products; as a result, this page wastes 6 precious seconds of the audiences, who might get distracted and decide to leave. It would be better to either create more substantial and interesting content for these exercises or condense them into one page so that the audiences can skim.

How many colors do we want to have?

For a company that specializes in juicy, visuals are of great importance. While the images that Naked Truth displays are enticing, the website lacks a key color tone. The use of multiple colors that conflict with one another (orange, yellow, purple, etc.) detracts from unity and creates a sense of disorganization. Furthermore, because of the abundance of colors, the website lacks a coherent personality that can appeal to the audiences.

It would be better to use fewer colors (that harmonize with each other). In this case, orange or green will be optimal. Incidentally, it would also be better to display more images of fruit, as freshness and naturalness are key selling points.

I am stranded…Help me!

A good website should help its audiences complete its journey, instead of getting them interested and then dumping them right them. A key issue with Naked Juicy’s website is that there is no clear call-to-action. It provides plenty of information (products, how to stay healthy, etc.) without trying vehemently to convert the audiences. The only attempt is the “where to buy” page, which, after the audiences fill out their current city, shows the supermarkets that sell the products. This makes it rather difficult to assess the conversion rate and reduces the function of the website to raising awareness. After all, few people would make an extra trip to purchase a particular type of juice. A stronger call-to-action, such as online order, should be provided so that the audiences could immediately place their orders once they become interested in the products.



Marketing in the Age of Digital

Hello! This is Shirley, a graduate student from NYU, study integrated marketing. A huge dog lover.