Mark Your Life With Red Book

Yike Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
5 min readMar 8, 2020
Red Book

The Red Book( Chinese name is Xiaohongshu) is a famous app in China, whose main purpose is to purchase overseas cosmetics, skin care products, etc. and share shopping and using experiences of cosmetics. As of July 2019, the number of Red Book App users has exceeded 300 million, of which 70% are post-90s.

Experience of Use

This app now only has a Chinese interface but is very convenient to operate. There are five modules: Homepage, Mall, “+” Publishing function, News and Me.

The APP not only can buy cosmetics overseas, but also can help users avoid detours, unnecessary attempts, and reduce the waste of time and money. In other words, if I want to know a product is easy to use or not before buying it, I can look at other people’s notes at Red Book App. If there is any inconvenience in life, I also can find other people’s solutions on it by clicking the search button and entering the problems.

What’s more, some of my own experiences of using skincare products can also be shared on it to help other users so that I can get social achievements.

The purpose of Red Book is providing users a platform to buy authentic goods with price advantages and guaranteed quality overseas. Therefore, it target audience: Young users who love sharing and shopping.

Innovative Business Model

Cooperate directly with overseas brands and large traders, and use bonded warehouses and direct overseas shipping methods to ship them to China through containers for simultaneous bulk shipments. This model has three benefits. First, it shortens the distance between users and products. The current buying model of traditional online shopping platforms such as Taobao or eBay requires Chinese users to wait one month before receiving the foreign goods. But in Red Book, users can receive it about two or three days after placing an order. Secondly, shipping from bonded warehouses can fundamentally eliminate users’ concerns about product quality. Third, save cross-border freight, dilute costs, and reduce prices, so that Red Book can basically make the price of the goods sold consistent with its source, and sometimes even lower than the local price.

The Red Book is targeted at young women with high-to-medium spending power. This segment of the population has a higher income level, so its spending power and willingness to consume are very high. With good business operations, it can be converted into high business value. Its target market is the sales field of overseas high-quality female goods. After segmenting the market, it found that there are fewer competitors. Large e-commerce companies represented by Taobao have just started in this field and have little competition pressure.

Professionalism in Design

When users shop online, an essential step before buying is to browse the product information page. A good page can improve the conversion rate of product transactions. Therefore, the design of the product information display page is very important. Box 1 is the product photo display part that the user notices first and also occupies the largest space on the screen. In order to meet the high-end quality of the app, the background of the product picture is pure white, the elements are only the product, and the picture looks simple and generous, can attract users’ eyes, let users enter the second link to understand the basic information of the product.

Boxes 2 and 3 are the brand and category name of the product, and box 4 is the price of the product. These three parts are the basic information of the product, which is the information that users are more concerned about in the second link. The contents of Box 2 and Box 3 are overlapped, because the brand is also a factor that users are very concerned about when buying cosmetics. I think this App can change the name info on the navigation bar to the brand name, so the information layout will be clearer and users can effectively get more product basic information. This is shown at 5 in Figure B. By the way, beautiful picture in Red Book really attracts me a lot!

User Trust

Big data analysis to get info. Using data analysis, Red Book pushes product information to users based on purchase experience, and purchase orders based on data from the community (share and recommendation), thereby better understanding user preferences and needs, and better improving users’ favorite cosmetics .
Red Book is also a shopping note.
This is an important reason why everyone likes downloading it: Let consumers autonomously share their shopping experience. People have their own sharing needs. Red Book provides users with a larger, more real and convenient sharing community. Red Book has created a shopping sharing community, which outputs closer to the daily main consumption scenarios of female users. It collects featured businesses and products in the form of graphic notes, guides users on shopping consumption, and guides purchases through content. It is really worth the space on Chinese smartphone.

Recommendation for Red Book

Try to employ Augmented Reality, like AR camera or AR shopping. And also can utilize gaming, to make this application more interesting and attracting. For Red Book app, female users account for 87%, and there is a lot of room for development for male users; high usage frequency depends on users’ shopping desires and needs, so improving the experience by increasing the experience, users have the psychological motivation to open the app when they have no direct shopping intention, which can create new opportunities for the Red Book app.

