Marketing: Not Completely Dairy-Free.

Jonathan Perez
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readJun 7, 2020

As someone new to Medium (and a novice to blogging overall), it’s quite common that part of expressing myself looks like the above. I’m astounded that I can spend my entire life learning about myself just through the simple action of living, and then struggle with the task of explaining who I am as a person. But let’s see, where to begin?

Growing up in an age where technology takes the forefront of people’s emotional and intellectual output, I’ve used all sorts of media to organize whatever thought may come to mind. Combined with my upbringing as a marketing student, I’ve learned that communicating properly with others is the most efficient way to advance each other’s’ interests and break the superficial screen that plagues most modern-day interactions. I think that through the Digital Marketing course I’m currently taking at NYU’s Graduate School of Professional Studies, I’ll gain the ability to not only reach out to others, but to reach through to them. But in order to witness the genuine sides of others, so must I abide by authenticity myself. In the realm of blogs, this is not my first rodeo. However, the obligations of my previous blogging space did not lend themselves to my advancement as a marketing student, let alone an aptly socially awkward human. It was for an anthropology class, and so, while I gained insight on myself as a byproduct of my ancestors and the circumstances which I came from — all aspects of the past, it gave me nothing about my own, marketable personal brand — where I wanted to be today.


Thus, let this first blog be a promise to myself: that I treat this not just as a marketing journal for my own benefit, but that it can also be a guide for myself. I’m not normally one for keeping my own mental notes, on account of them being so fleeting and…quirky, to say the least. Not that anyone shouldn’t be constantly monitoring the best kinds of cheese to go with various pasta dishes, but this blog presents me the opportunity to give my thoughts a second chance. If I put my most presentable self out there without sacrificing any of the cheesiness (Yes, I had to), it can hopefully entice others that this blog is a safe space for free thinking. Because eventually, one of those thoughts can lead to an honest connection, and isn’t that what marketing really is?

