Maybe You are not Who You are

Cynthia Xu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 14, 2021

I am always curious about who I really am, and I am not the only one. Many people love to take different tests which can come up with which type of people you are. We are always seeking some “definitions” for ourselves. People love to share the results on social media after taking several questions because they want to tell others their “identities” and find leagues.

However, the results sometimes may surprise me. It sometimes comes up with a conclusion which I have never thought about it before. It is entertaining to see that. The tests are like “third party,” which analyzes you through your daily habits and behaviors. The conclusions they give can be different from your own cognition. The results can be translated into “who you really are in another person’s eye.” We actually seldom ask others how they think about us. Even if we ask, the answers more or less are not 100% true. In other words, maybe you are not who you are. You can be totally different between your perception and others.

So when taking the Fascinate Test, I am really cautious. I want to make this test fair enough because I am eager to know what kind of person I am in others’ eyes in the workplace. I accidentally participated in several leaderless group discussions and got confused about my position in teams. I wonder if my expression made others feel uncomfortable or didn’t express themselves in a good way that people can easily understand.

I am the architect.

It is not surprising for me to see that my archetype is “the Architect.” I prefer to be a leader in teamwork because I want to make everything in my control and be on the right track. I want to make things more sufficient, so I prefer to listen and observe first and avoid repeating similar opinions because it is sometimes a waste of time. And I like to talk about myself, whatever the topic is. This embarrassed me a lot when those moments flashback to my mind, and I finally realize how cocky I am.

The traits underly each trigger actually refresh me somehow. For example, my primary personality is “prestige,” and I am “result-oriented.” I never recognized that I look like this in others’ eyes because I always emphasize “enjoy the process” for harmony (laugh).

But some of the descriptions are not suitable for me. One of the features of “mystique,” my second personality, is: remain calm in pressure situations. I always feel corrupted and irrational when under pressure, and these unstable emotions created some troubles for me.

It is good to see the results anyway. I rethink many communication occasions and find that my personality and traits fit me a lot. This solves many “unsolved mysteries” for me, like why people reacted coldly (maybe because I talked about myself too much).

This test provides me clear guidance on what advantages I can take.

I would still set myself as a leader in teams. I will take advantage of my skillfulness and sterling and use them to convince others to trust me. I want them to believe that we can achieve more tremendous success by following my lead. I can both make incredible progress and have a solid foundation. I make careful decisions but never easily deny others’ opinions.

Although this test doesn’t make me feel fascinated enough (because I thought I was amiable, not prestigious), it gives me a detailed view when evaluating myself. I have a better understanding of myself, which can help me avoid shortcomings and use better images to build my self-image.

