Me? or Fascinating Me?

Yaki wang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 2, 2022

“HOW to Fascinate”

This is my first time taking the Fascinate Test which is the test show you how personal brands work.

There are lots of people who say that we must engage people. Or we must be unique in a world that is different from others; however, after I did the test and watched the video “TEDxAtlanta — Sally Hogshead — How to Fascinate.” I know how we are different, how the world sees you, and how I can use my talent to be fascinating.


My archetype is “THE DETECTIVE”.

It described me as a linear thinker who analyzes data to guide my decisions; Sees the most efficient way to solve a problem and then implements a solution without errors; Adapts procedures to improve reliability; Thinks through decisions rather than shooting from the hip.

In fact, I think it’s very close to my personality. I am not an emotional thinker and don’t act on emotions. I follow the logic and have my principles when doing things. At work, I think outside the box, but I constantly think about the feasibility of deciding so that it doesn’t go wrong.


Your hidden talents, your highest worth, your unrealized potential — the best parts of you might not have been obvious to you before.-HOW TO FASCINATE

7 Ways to fascinate in your meetings,SALLY HOGSHEAD

I agree that people never know what I’m thinking. I keep my thoughts to myself and don’t express my emotions openly. I have always thought that emotions are their own behavior and that behavior needs to be controlled. But being open about your emotions is essential, whether in life or at work. Don’t let your emotions affect your life and your work. Mature people need to restrain their emotions and achieve self-digestion.


And my primary advantage is “ALERT”. -Create urgency

8% people who took the Fascination Advantage test also use ALERT as their primary Advantage.

However, this personality has two sides; too much attention to detail tends to get in the way, and situations can become complicated to manage. A good leader, on the other hand, must simultaneously pay attention to the big and small picture. I agree with the point that I keep things on track, and time limits incite faster decisions. I am able to create swift action in a short time. That may be due to my alert trigger.

The secondary advantage is “MYSTIQUE.” -Arouse curiosity

13% people who took the Fascination Advantage test also use MYSTIQUE as their secondary Advantage.

I stay focused on the end goals; I communicate selectively and purposefully with a minimalist approach. I know when to talk and remain quiet; I rarely show inner emotions and avoid drama in my life.

The Fascinate Test is authentic and describes my personality and how I feel. In my future career planning, I will still stick to my own principles and maintain my own personality. I think this is the way to build my personal brand. And look at me as a product to be marketed. Everyone can create their unique personal brand with their personality. Each person’s personality is their business card. what I can do is identify, amplify and express my natural fascination talents, and do more of it.

Of course, no matter how the world sees you, you are you.

Me, is still me. Just be more fascinated.

